Thursday, December 21, 2017

Empowerment & Wellness Video: Green Juice; Letting Go of Uncontrollables

Wishing you a great day! ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ€A New greens juice for health, joy, vitality and general awesomeness. Also, a message from the universe recently: LET GO OF WHAT YOU CAN'T CONTROL; IF YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT, LET IT GO, BE EASY, BE IN PEACE.


Today's Wellness video is presents an important message in a slightly more casual, down-to-earth flavor.
The intention is for us to co-create a moment in time that is full of joy, health, wellbeing and a healthy, positive mindset towards the future.Welcome to my kitchen where many extraordinary things evolve and develop every day. Health is wealth and a healthy Mindset is a keystone of a sound and harmonious view of life.



••• A New greens juice for health, joy, vitality and general awesomeness. 
Ingredients: Carrots, Kale, Bok Choy, Ginger.
••• A message from the Universe: 
Letting go of what we cannot control and, thus, flowing beyond that. More importantly it is important (vital) to release the potential of *creating and/or *harboring resentments to ensure optimal health.
Let us not hold on to those things which no longer serve us. Let us release those things with love and peace and appreciation for the time they served us, and now entrust them to God and The Universe, who can and will transmute these energies into pure love, light and purity of Spirit.
Lots of Love to you all,
Jennifer - Personal Power Wellness

PS: Just launched my new, official Tarot Website! If you're curious and would like to explore the types of readings available to you, and the pricing, visit the site: can book your private Tarot Consultation from anywhere in the world.Thank You!Jennifer Tarot -

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Juicing Morning Glory Tips-Collard Greens, Chioggia Beets & Reflection...


Greetings everyone! ๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽIt's a beautiful day.

Juicing Morning Glory ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ - Collard Greens, Chioggia Beets & Reflections on the Juicer (28 Nov 2017)

The theme for this moment, this day and, dare I say, this life! is GREENS.

By greens I mean fresh, vibrant, healthy, wholesome and natural green vegetables.

Why greens? Why raw? Why juice?

Because this is whole, raw, pure positive energy & nourishment from Mother Earth.

​Today's Juicing Journey incorporates the following raw ingredients:

๐ŸŒฑ Collard greens, 82 grams

๐ŸŒฑ Chioggia beetroot (red & white swirls on the inside), 103 grams

๐ŸŒฑ Brussel Sprouts, 62g

๐ŸŒฑ​ Fresh, organic ginger root, 14g

Place all ingredients into your juicer, or gradually depending on the spout diameter of your juicer, press gently and slowly and watch the magic unfold. The final product was absolutely SPECTACULAR. I totally loved today's juice - everything about it was magical and incredibly satisfying. It was satisfying to know all the natural, healthy and whole ingrdients that went into it without any added sugars, chemicals, preservatives, or additives. Further, I LOVE the frothy, foamy top layer which imbues the drink with the impression of a full body and richness. And certainly the flavor was out of this world. Naturally sweet sugars from the beetroot co-mingle with the tangy, zinginess of the ginger and the collards/Brussel Sprouts remain the underlying tone or subtle foundation (a sort of 'bed' to the upper layered flavors).

All in all, it's really a delight and blessing to create and imbibe this delectable elixir. Plus, what I've noticed is that every single time I have a greens juice just as I've demonstrated here, I feel such a boost in my happiness and good-feelings that I automatically feel joyful and good about myself and happy to be alive. This is quite the sweet spot.

Perhaps these juicing forays inspire the energy to flow within and around you so that juicing and simply consuming more natural, raw, whole foods can enter your life in even more meaningful ways and enliven, uplift and empower you to your greatest self.

Love you all!


​Personal Power Life Coaching

Friday, November 17, 2017

It's a New Day Greens Drink������Happy, Healthy, Fun! - Juicing

Optimizing our health means we optimize all areas of our life, including career, relationships and spiritual wellbeing. Here's today's Greens Juice intended to raise our collective wellness and vitality. To your health! :-)

Friday, November 10, 2017

��Tarot Spiritual Guidance, Nov. 9-10, 2017: "HAPPINESS & EMOTIONAL MATUR...

Trust you are well and Happy Day wherever you are.

Herewith the Tarot Spiritual Insight & Guidance for Nov. 9-10, 2017: "HAPPINESS & EMOTIONAL MATURITY/SECURITY."

Below is the spread with Key Words and themes highlighted by each card. Full, detailed, practical explanation in the video.

๐Ÿ‘‘- 10 of CUPS - Happy ending, fulfillment, satisfaction in life on the screen of life. Wellbeing for you and your loved ones...rejoicing and opening yourself in celebration to the goodness of life and specifically the EMOTIONAL SATISFACTION & FULFILLMENT being experienced. A period of tremendous, resounding completion and personal/family success. 

๐Ÿ‘‘QUEEN OF CUPS - A warm, intuitive and emotional woman or feminine energy. Emotional wellbeing and security; caring and kind.

๐Ÿ‘‘ KING OF CUPS -  intuitive, sensitive and feeling man who is in touch with his feelings and emotionally mature. Emotional balance, control and leader of inner world. "Balance between emotions and intellect." [Source: Biddy Tarot]

7 OF PENTACLES - cultivating, sowing, tending to your resources and watching your wealth/riches/(emotional) prosperity grow.

​Thank you & have a blessed, joyful and satisfying day!
Jennifer Tarot​

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Life Guidance, Nov. 7-8, 2017: "PASSION, DRIVE & TRUS...

Here is the Tarot Life Leadership Insight, general life guidance for NOVEMBER 7-8, 2017: Balance your Strength & Wisdom - "PASSION, DRIVE & TRUSTING YOURSELF."

Every reading is designed to assist you in becoming more of an empowered leader of your life, guide your days with greater alignment, clarity, and abundant wellbeing.

Thank you & wishing you a joyful life!

-Jennifer @ Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance​

∞ YouTube Channel to Subscribe for all videos:

∞Facebook Page:

Friday, November 3, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guidance, Nov. 3-4, 2017: "YOU ARE SUPPORTED; VICTORY; NURTURING YOURSELF"

Now also on YouTube - the latest Tarot Spiritual Life Guidance for Nov. 3-4, 2017 - Kick off the weekend with a message to uplift, empower and provide greater direction.

With great love! :-)

Hello everyone! - Kick off your weekend with positively empowering guidance and direction.

........ Tarot Spiritual Guidance for Nov. 3-4, 2017: "YOU ARE SUPPORTED; VICTORY; NURTURING YOUR RESOURCES."

☆ 3-Card Spread detailed below:

๐ŸŒด 6 of Wands - Pride, victory, success. You are being celebrated and supported by the community - the community is both physical and metaphysical/spiritual which includes God, The Universe, the Creator, Life and Love; and your Angels and Guides. Support and celebration from those around you.

More importantly, there is an energy of feeling successful and happy, victorious and uplifted from within yourself. That is, You are reaching or have reached a new culmination point in your life (Full Moon on Nov. 3-4 (November 04, 2017 - 01:23 am (EST) coincides).

After your soul searching and going deeper into your motivation, life purpose, relationships, and most important areas of your life, an evolution has indeed happened and it reflects in your altered (enhanced) mindset and perhaps it is simply peace and hope that you are on your path and in your Truth.

๐ŸŒด Queen of Pentacles - Bounty and management of material resources; administrative skills and oversight particularly in taking care of your personal and home/domestic affairs. Nurturing, caring for your true wealth and resting in the pleasant, holy space of bounty and peace. Care for your loving, positive relationships as they are important to your overall wellbeing.

๐ŸŒด 9 of Cups - Nearing the finish or culmination of a project and phase of your ongoing journey. Know that you are in an excellent space of support and comfort and you have already attained and realized terrific achievements in the physical realm, and also in your emotional maturity and spiritual evolution...which reflects in how you lead your physical life.

The overarching theme is that you are moving into a new space of inner peace which is reflected in a spirit of achievement, pride, victory and support from the Universe and from within (your inner strength).

If you have that idea or contemplating a certain direction, it feels right and seize it - go for it. Things make more sense now and you will continue to be led, supported and guided all along the way.

See the light, feel the confidence and FOCUS on the way you'd like things to be, or what you want.

"Wouldn't it be nice if....." - How can you finish this sentence? :-)


With love, light and appreciation,

Jennifer Tarot

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

��Jennifer Tarot Spirit Guidance, Aug. 29-30, 2017: "ENERGY OF PROSPERITY...

Hello Angels! Greetings from New York City.๐Ÿ—ฝ

Trust you're doing very well. Here's our Tarot Spiritual Guidance - Aug. 29-30, 2017: "ENERGY OF PROSPERITY, CLARITY & MANIFESTATION".

๐Ÿ”ฎOur 3-Card Spread:๐Ÿ”ฎ

- 10 of Pentacles

- 2 of Swords (rev)

- Page of Pentacles

​Spirit is guiding us to embrace the existing blessings in your life, particularly in the area of family, relationships, home and material comforts. Remembering that an attitude of gratitude brings more blessings and as we abide in that space of success as already accomplished, we open ourselves to receive even more of the blessings we enjoy in life.

The 2 of Swords indicates that there is more openness and sincerity within you towards making the best choices/decisions aligned with your path of highest joy and greatest wellbeing (and the greatest good of all concerned, certainly).

Finally, our Page brings a fortuitous message regarding a special manifestation, possibly in the form of a new idea, invitation, job or work opportunity, and even financial growth/opportunity. The key is to maintain an open mind and open heart, and to be cognizant of the things in your life that already are wonderful. This makes me think of making your "Gratitude List" numbered 1-10 to begin realizing and realigning with your goodness.

So enjoy the greater clarity and openness you're now poised to receive and that is already flowing to you - open your arms and smile towards life knowing that the best is yet to come and you say "YES, PLEASE!"  :-).

With love & Light,

Thank You,

Jennifer Tarot      ​

๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’œ


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guidance, Aug. 25-26, 2017��"EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES; SHIF...

HAPPY weekend and joyous Friday.

Here's our Tarot Spiritual Guidance for Aug. 25-26, 2017 ๐Ÿ”ฎ


๐Ÿ’ซ 2 of WANDS (rev)


๐Ÿ’ซ King of WANDS (rev)

Key Themes:

Finding yourself in a unique place in your development - Choosing between the old and comfortable OR delving forth into an exciting new beginning and powerful new potentials for YOU.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

��Tarot Spiritual Guidance, Aug.18-19, 2017:"FINALLY MOVING ON; ALIGNED ...

Hello all! Happy Weekend - trust you are doing well!  Today's message for personal success, excellence and joyful living.

Your Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance for....Aug. 18-19, 2017: "FINALLY MOVING AHEAD! ALIGNED ACTION & END OF HARD WORK PHASE."

Enjoy the full reading herewith.

Thank you & Namaste,

Jennifer Tarot

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance, Aug. 16, 2017: "LIFE MOVES SWIFTLY, ALIG...

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance - Aug. 16-17, 2017: "LIFE MOVING SWIFTLY, ALIGN WITH YOUR VALUES & CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO BE."

๐Ÿ”ฎ 8 of Wands (r)

๐Ÿ”ฎ 10 of Cups (r)

๐Ÿ”ฎ The Hierophant (V)

Today's message reflects a new opportunity to make a choice - the option now in your life to choose who you want to be and whether your life reflects your innermost needs, core values and soul Self.

Continue watching and discovering your Spiritual Guidance for this moment in time.


Jennifer :-)

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guide�� JULY 12-13, 2017:  "NEW OPPORTUNITY-DON'T OVERCOM...

Hello Angels!

Thank you for joining me in today's Tarot Card Spiritual Life Guidance ๐Ÿ”ฎA message of Hope and Peace๐ŸŒผ


​Knight of Pentacles

Page of Swords (r)

10 of Wands (r)

Spirit is guiding to be aware of the new opportunities or possibilities coming your way. You may be tempted or tend to make (big) promises or overcommit but take a breath and break before confirming or promising anything.

Also, if you are wanting to be more organized, structured, methodical in order to achieve any particular goals, OR you have a new project, job offer or schedule that is obliging you to do more with less time to do everything else, then remind yourself now that you want to make reasonable demands of yourself as you don't need to run yourself to the ground.

Consider: where might you be trying to impress or please others?

When we overextend & overpromise it leads to stress and fatigue which ultimately sabotaged the extra  activity, load or whatever you're working with.

If you are feeling particularly ambitious or inspired right now, remind yourself that it's a long-term process and you'll need to carry through for the long haul.

"Rome wasn't built in 1 day." :-)

Hence, give yourself some leeway and break the process down into smaller chunks that are time-bound and achievable with your resources and strengths.

Similarly, be clear and truthful to yourself as to what you're really able to handle and ensure that whatever you are adding into your life will increase your joy, wellbeing and balance - ensure that your actions and future steps reflect and honor your True Self.

There is loads guidance and important details in the VReading :-) ​Enjoy!!

Intended for your empowerment, upliftment and to raise the vibration of millions of people around the world.

๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ’ซPlus, join us tomorrow, THURSDAY, JULY 13 at 6PM NYC Time for the next LIVE TAROT PSYCHIC HOUR - I will do a general reading and draw cards for you, the Querent. Depending on the volume on line you may receive a 3-card reading which is more in-depth and thorough.๐Ÿ”ฎ


Namaste & Thank You,

Jennifer Tarot​

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guidance - JULY 11-12, 2017- "REDEFINE 'GOOD' & 'EVIL'-AR...

Hello everyone!

​Trust that you are doing amazingly well.

Today's Tarot Spiritual Guidance Message ๐Ÿ”ฎJULY 11-12, 2017๐Ÿ”ฎ


VIDEO >> Jennifer TarotGuide YouTube

​Today we are met with the energy of:

- The Devil

- 7 of Swords

- 5 of Wands

It feels like Spirit is guiding us to reconsider the labels we and society define as good/bad, evil/godly, 'right/wrong' and such dualities.

In fact, as the card spread out this morning in the reading I realized that in order to live life more peacefully, harmoniously and joyfully, we must be able to detach our emotions from immediately reacting to situations. It is not easy at the first go, especially if you've been accustomed to reacting emotionally throughout life however this habit can be retrained with practice and meditation.

The key is mindfulness and intention - intending to be AWARE and CONSCIOUS of your feelings and emotions moment to moment and noticing the triggers that lead you into either desirable or undesirable states.

Furthermore, the 7 of Swords is reflecting that as we move ahead on our soul journey and wish to ascend and master our Selves increasingly and more profoundly, that we need not share or divulge all the aspects of your journey. In fact, whatever you are going through right now - the key is maintain a certain inner strength and POISE, a calmness and serenity. Be discerning and discriminating in what you reveal and divulge - being diplomatic and considerate while artful and tactful in your communications.

While there may be several elements up in the air and a couple of unknown variables, you don't need to know the full picture (and others also do not know the full picture) but rather you can be fully present here and now throughout the day and every day and connect with your inner truth and a deeper wisdom that can guide you moment to moment. This is the God energy and God-Love force within you that is eternal, permanent and always available as soon as you access it.

Wishing you a day full of contemplation, inner & outer joy, and fulfillment on multiple levels.

Thank you & Namaste,

Jennifer Tarot

Jennifer Tarot Card Coaching


Saturday, July 8, 2017

��Tarot Spiritual Guidance, JULY 7-8, 2017: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? NEW PASSI...

Hello friends! Today's Tarot Spiritual guidance for a life of Joy & Personal Success


These Powerful questions necessarily yield powerful answers - if you ask and answer them for yourself.

Consider what success means to you and what "Happiness" looks like for you. If there is any misalignment between your core values and your reality this is where you can experience upset. Hence, bring yourself into crystal clear clarity as to what you value so you can decide what you really want.

Once you know what you want, then you can establish steps that will lead you onto your Outcome. Magic! :-)

Remember - You are the magician and hold the tools, skills and resources to thrive and delight in a fulfilling, meaningful and fantastic life.

Thank you!

- Jennifer Tarot Coaching



Tuesday, July 4, 2017

��Tarot Spiritual Guidance_JULY 4-5, 2017: "​Blessed by the Universe; Tru...

Day by day we can come into alignment with our life purpose and best path forward, especially when we are overcoming limiting beliefs!. Alignment on multiple levels - Spiritual, emotional and mental is crucial to person success. Herewith the day's Tarot Life Coaching Guidance which may resonate with your inner truth.  JULY 4_5, 2017: "​Blessed by the Universe; Trust, Faith & Hope-Your Intuition".

Full Analysis:

Thank you & bright blessings, Jennifer Tarot Card Coaching

Monday, July 3, 2017

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance, JULY 3-4, 2017: "Taking Action, Self-Con...

Hello dears!

Here is our life guidance:

๐ŸŒŸTarot Card Spiritual Guidance for JULY 3-4, 2017: "Taking Action, Self-control, and Balance - Justice Prevails." ๐ŸŒŸ

​Your 3-Card Spread:

๐Ÿ”ฎThe Chariot

๐Ÿ”ฎ3 of Wands

๐Ÿ”ฎ Justice (rev)

- You're feeling more empowered, aligned and desirous of taking the necessary steps, action and making the needed changes to reach your objective(s), or simply to move towards what you want.

This can be as simple as deciding: "I WANT TO KNOW WHAT I REALLY WANT." It happens so often that we don't ask ourselves what we truly want, what makes us happy and fulfilled and what generates the greatest joy in your life. I invite you to take control of your emotions and thoughts by writing down or contemplating what makes you joyful and see how your daily life and actions coincide with these.

- Key insight is for us to align our self will with higher divine will so that we can proceed on our path that fully reflects our greatest, most joyful Self and which will cultivate what you truly desire. Making your action ALIGNED instead of impulsive is important.

As a result of all the inner work you've done as well as the inner spiritual changes your Soul and psyche have been doing below the surface, you are synthesizing the options and are poised ready for the change. Again, don't rush or take impulsive actions. It is wise to have a clear and firm grasp of the most important factors involved and then making sound choices from a space of maturity, sensibility, responsibility and from what life experience has taught you!

- Finally, Justice invites us to be BALANCED in our actions and mindset. Yes, balance is actually intrinsic to being Self-Master and in control of your Self. Harnessing and strengthening this Self-Control - this is Personal Power. It takes more self-control to be balanced and measured as society frequently imprints us with notions of excess, extremes and going all out in order to be happy or successful or beautiful, etc.

Hence, harness your amazing inner resources and know that you've already started the process and it's developing as we speak.

Proceed as the wise, confident, balanced Being you are - with Self-Mastery and control of your mind as the underlying goals, which help you to achieve all your others desires.

​Thank you for watching and wish you many blessings.

God bless you and Namaste,

Jennifer Tarot Card Coaching​

Friday, June 30, 2017

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance-JUNE 30-JULY 1, 2017 �� "YOU'VE GOT THIS; B...

Did you know that spiritual alignment and a deep connection to a higher power is fundamental and critical to long-term success, prosperity and an abiding sense of joy? One way to cultivate this relationship is by connecting with the guidance and messages of the Universe - the world, people, experiences that surround you. A tangible method that works to illuminate our subconscious mind activity is the timeless Tarot Divination Cards. Thus, I invite you to journey with me as we discover the messages for YOUR path one day at a time - starting today: Tarot Card Guidance, June 30-July 1, 2017.    

Monday, June 26, 2017

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance_June 25 26, 2017: "End of a Spiritual Ph...

Spiritual Guidance for Success in all areas of Life. Alignment and congruence is fundamental to thrive and live your life at your highest level. Connect with today's Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance - JUNE 25-26, 2017__"End of a Spiritual Development Phase; The World is Your Oyster; Your Next Move."

Thursday, June 22, 2017

��Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance, JUNE 21-22, 2017��"A CROSSROADS IN YOUR L...

Good Morning beautiful Souls!

I trust you're doing very well and Happy Summer Solstice ๐ŸŒž☀️๐ŸŒž

Here is today's Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance for JUNE 21-22, 2017 -๐Ÿ”ฎ "AT A CROSSROADS & TURNING POINT IN YOUR LIFE! TAKE 1 ACTION TODAY."๐Ÿ”ฎ


๐Ÿ”น️5 OF CUPS (R)


Wow, today's cards are informing you that you've made an important decision, or very well need to align yourself with the changes happening in your life and the universe, because The Change is now afoot and the cosmic wheels are now in motion. The elements, people and circumstances are being lined up as we speak so as to create and generate the new situation you've been contemplating. Yes, indeed.

Further, the Ace of Wands is clear direction and guidance to take control over your vision and destiny. Put your hands in the clay or mud, etc. NO matter what you feel about your capacity to create your life or how empowered you are, you CAN take 1 step today towards your desire and the new move.

You know what to do. What's that 1 step or thing you can do today to align more with a positive unfolding?

Perhaps it's simply to SET YOUR INTENTION to flow more easily with the winds of change, or to release fear, or to be open and receptive to beneficial changes in your life. Whatever you're working on, take that 1 step today - set your intention and then deep breath in, and move ahead with faith and a spirit of oneness and connection with God which is the eternal force that gives us all power, strength and all of lifes joys.

It starts with you and YES YOU MATTER A LOT.

With deep appreciation,

Love and Light, Namaste ๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ•‰

Jennifer Tarot Card Coaching

To book your Private Reading and for rates details contact:



๐ŸŒทThank you! ๐ŸŒท

Monday, June 19, 2017

Tarot Card ​Spiritual ​Guidance, June 1​8​-19, 2017 - "OVERCOME FEAR OF ...

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance - 
Themes for Today: Fear, a broken heart (fear), relationships, 
​ *choosing* to see (or choosing to ignore).

Tarot Card 
​Spiritual ​
Guidance, June 1
, 2017 -- "

§§§  To book your in-depth Private Reading visit my page - - to receive the details, payment process and we shall book your session! 

Enjoy and wishing you a blessed continuation!
Appreciation & Namaste, 
Jennifer Tarot Card Coaching

Friday, June 16, 2017

��Tarot Card Guidance, June 15-16, 2017 - "OPPOSITES ATTRACT, SELF-CARE &...

 Today's Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance - a message of joy, bridging duality and moving forward on your intuitive nudges:

Tarot Card Guidance, June 15-16, 2017 -- "OPPOSITES ATTRACT, SELF-CARE & YOUR DEEPER INTUITION."


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Tarot Card Guidance, June 10-11, 2017 - Unblock Yourself; Support & Imp...

Hello Friends! Happy Weekend to All.

Tarot Card Life Guidance - today we shuffle together, pray over the cards and connect with Spirit/God/The Universe to receive divine guidance.


๐ŸŒปTarot Card Spiritual Guidance, June 10, 2017 -- Unblock Yourself; Financial Support & Decisions from the Universe๐ŸŒป

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance - June 8-9, 2017 -- COMMAND YOUR THOUGHTS...

Hello dears! Today's Tarot Card Reading, on the beautiful energies that can support you in guiding your day and life in empowering ways.

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance - June 8-9, 2017 -- COMMAND YOUR THOUGHTS & DESTINY WITH LOVE

Discover it below.

Peace, Love & Light,


Tarot Card Coaching -

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance, JUNE 2, 2017 - TRANSCEND THE EGO; FOLLOW YO...

Greetings beautiful souls! Happy Friday. Your Tarot Card Spiritual Guidance for JUNE 2, 2017 -


Intended with love and light - May all these messages uplift and empower you, lifting you up to your greatest self and Higher Self.

Namaste,๐Ÿ•‰  - Jennifer Tarot Card Coaching  ​

To book your private Tarot Reading contact my Facebook business page which will guide you further ➡️


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guidance, MAY 29-30, 2017--Are you Teacher or Student? Ta...

Hello Friends - The Tarot Spiritual Life Guidance for May 29-30, 2017 - Identify and Clarify if you are now ready to assume a position of leadership, or do you resonate more with being a Student? Your time to act is now. Enjoy and Many blessings on your Journeys!    

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to Cultivate Emotional Security ⭐ Personal Power Life Coaching ��

Hello Friends!

Would you consider yourself an Emotionally Secure or Insecure Person?

Do you have people in your life who are emotionally insecure whom you'd like to help or better understand, or with whom you need to work with or co-create?

Emotional insecurity can manifest itself as co-dependent relationships, feeling inferior around others, jealousy, self-doubt, seeking others' validation for sense of worthiness, and thinking that things will always go wrong.

Today's Life Coaching video focuses on this important topic:

***How You Can Cultivate Emotional Security***

Check out this latest Personal Power Life Coaching with 8 tips on how to become more emotionally stable and secure.

Thank you and sending you warmest regards,


Personal Power Life Coaching -

YouTube -

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

❣Tarot Higher Guidance (PT 1/2)- March 14-15, 2017 - Self-worth, New Fut...

๐Ÿ”ฎTerrific Tarot Tuesday๐Ÿ”ฎ

- Our Higher Guidance message for March 14-15, 2017๐Ÿ’ซ Part 1/2 video.

FOCUS: Self-worth, New Future-You Vision & Self-Esteem from Within ๐Ÿ’œ

Today's Tarot reading guides us with the ๐Ÿ”ฅfire energy of the Wands๐Ÿ”ฅ however they are telling us to slow down, take it easy, things may not seem to have worked out like you wanted but it's OK.

Tarot spread - Higher Guidance for March 14-15, 2017

* Queen of Wands (R)

* 8 of Wands (R)

* 6 of Wands (R)

Now is the time to reassess your source of confidence and security. Does you sense of self-esteem, value and worth come intrinsically from within, or from others?

Do you need others to acknowledge your worthiness before you can affirm and feel your own worth?

Questions worth pondering as it relates to the psychological and spiritual foundation of worth, self-esteem and how you value yourself.

Consider your perspective, perception and be honest with yourself. This may be the time to go within and ask for help from your God self, Inner Being, Angels and Spirit. When you ask for help it is given so just believe this can be so.

Ask for a deeper understanding and knowingness of your inherent, innate beauty, worth, value and importance. Connect with your heart, breathe deeply, and as you go about your day contemplate of how you evaluate the worth of others and who you consider to be more 'important' or 'special' in the world, in your family, in your workplace, in your community, etc. As you realize to whom you ascribe more value and importance, you will better understand how you value yourself and the labels, hierarchies we endorse, and superficial/materialistic things that we use to define our identity.

This is deep as it will relate to how you assess your self-worth - does it come from within, innately and permanently, consistently OR do you feel like you matter only if certain others validate you?

 I feel like the former is what we desire and what is the pure love of God and the Universe. At least this is my intention, prayer and desire for myself. To feel and KNOW a profound, unshakable, steady, solid and eternal, enduring sense of worth, value, love, meaning and importance simply for being me, simply for being alive, for being born for all the good I have already accomplished in this life with my heart and soul.

Perhaps this resonates with you, beloved ones.

Empowering Affirmation:

❣I am doing Enough - I have enough - I AM enough.❣

Thank you,

Peace, Love & Eternal, Infinite Blessings to you all,๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒป


-Jennifer, Tarot


​​Jennifer Arcila

​Personal Power Life Coaching - Wellness, Yoga, Tarot

Friday, March 10, 2017

Tarot Card Guidance: March 9-10, 2017 - DELAYS ARE NOT DENIALS...

Here's our Tarot Higher Guidance for March 9-10, 2017:  

Delays aren't denials; Now is the time to wait...Stand still in your Power

Wait for their answer; Go with the flow and appreciate how far you've already come! Count your blessings and don't rush forth with hasty action. Take it easy and trust that the decision has already been taken. Let the Universe do its work to bring you together in Divine Timing.

Complete report and details in the video below &

Thank you always!

Love & Light, Jennifer