This morning I slept a little longer, indulging in 1 extra hour of slumber, and went rollerblading - it's a rest day from my weight training split.
It has been such a long time - several months - since I went rollerblading and I was indeed missing the sunshine, the fresh air, the friendly faces of other walkers and joggers, and the exhilaration of rolling and flying with the wind. The peacefulness, beauty, and ease of the morning, the undisturbed ambiance, is serene and majestic. Precious.
Rollerblading is a wonderful alternative cardio exercise if you want to save your knees from the repetitive impact of jogging. It definitely tones the legs, working hamstrings, quads and outer thighs - the beloved saddlebags.
Mostly I find it fun - gliding along with the music, skating along the marina, the birds soaring overhead, the beautiful blue buildings dotting the skyline - an experience beyond life as a pedestrian.
Physiologically, rollerblading is particularly good at activating grey matter in the spinal region - neurons and matter that factor into balance and coordination.
All in all, I'm so deeply grateful and thankful that I learned to rollerblade when I was a young girl, elementary school, back in New York. I used to go around the blocks with my friends from class who also lived nearby. We had tons of fun, and I remember the falls, the heart-chilling hills and pavement bumps...Wow, so nice.
I also remember when I learned to rollerblade with a cousin in Colombia, around that same age I suppose. It was a typically brilliant, sunny day and we went to a huge arena to skate at the running track. I took some lessons, they had us do drills and exercises to practice lowering the body on skates and doing the swerves around orange cones. I remember my cousin Christina, a lovely, light girl 17 years old - the beautiful teenager the young girls admire, idolize and want to emulate when we 'grow up'. She seemed so skilled and graceful on her skates. I realize now that I've fulfilled that dream too.
AM, Empty Stomach:
I also have:
You can imagine what my cupboard looks like!
Not to mention the protein powders: ON Hydro Whey, 2 tubs of Natural Factors Whey (Green Tea & Vanilla), ON Casein chocolate, Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder and finally Blue Bonnet Post-Workout Protein Powder (choco).
I try to cycle things and I don't take all every day - that would be excessive, especially considering that each one has fillers: Magnesium Stearate, vegetable glycerin and others.
I prefer getting my nutrients from whole foods, however, we just cannot eat enough of certain foods to receive the concentrated dose of supplements. I just try to keep it balanced and somewhat moderate while accepting that I take more than the average person, although not more than the average fitness lover or bodybuilder (defo not!).
These items are made in labs and thus natural, 1-ingredient foods will always, always, always be preferable and more wholesome. Nevertheless, just how much white fish can you eat for the protein it contains before you grow some scales and swim off into the Indian Ocean?? Or for that matter, how many eggs can you eat before you start growing feathers :) I consume so many egg whites I joke about having my own farm to get some real grass-fed eggs. Maybe my future husband will own a little plot of farmland to nourish us!
It has been such a long time - several months - since I went rollerblading and I was indeed missing the sunshine, the fresh air, the friendly faces of other walkers and joggers, and the exhilaration of rolling and flying with the wind. The peacefulness, beauty, and ease of the morning, the undisturbed ambiance, is serene and majestic. Precious.
Rollerblading is a wonderful alternative cardio exercise if you want to save your knees from the repetitive impact of jogging. It definitely tones the legs, working hamstrings, quads and outer thighs - the beloved saddlebags.
Mostly I find it fun - gliding along with the music, skating along the marina, the birds soaring overhead, the beautiful blue buildings dotting the skyline - an experience beyond life as a pedestrian.
Physiologically, rollerblading is particularly good at activating grey matter in the spinal region - neurons and matter that factor into balance and coordination.
gray matter n.
Brownish-gray nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord,
composed of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites and some supportive
It goes to show that everything has a beginning and that which you learn early in life can stay with you and enhance the quality of your life for years to come.
Taken further, it means that learning something new today can carry on into your future years and allow you to enjoy an enhanced quality of life.
I also remember when I learned to rollerblade with a cousin in Colombia, around that same age I suppose. It was a typically brilliant, sunny day and we went to a huge arena to skate at the running track. I took some lessons, they had us do drills and exercises to practice lowering the body on skates and doing the swerves around orange cones. I remember my cousin Christina, a lovely, light girl 17 years old - the beautiful teenager the young girls admire, idolize and want to emulate when we 'grow up'. She seemed so skilled and graceful on her skates. I realize now that I've fulfilled that dream too.
Supplements, Fat-Burning & Training:
Two days ago I came across an interesting article in Flex magazine online:
8 Ways to Burn More Fat | FLEX Online
This one piqued my curiosity and for good reason. It revealed some new tips and tricks (at least to me), to promote fat burning via boosting the metabolism.
The main ones I liked and have started to include in my daily life include:
- CARB CYCLING - Every 4-5 days I will have a Hi-Carb day, with the remaining days high protein, moderate fat, and low-carb. I had already read and learned about this technique and I had just not been focused enough to apply it. Since I've been tracking my food intake, and macros, paying attention to all these details, I am now ready and more confident with the Carb-Cycling approach. It takes more time and effort and to me it's interesting and well worth giving it a shot.
Lo-Carb/Hi-Protein: Total Cal = 1300
Carb = 65g (20%), Protein = 182g (55%), Fat = 35g (25%)
Hi-Carb/Lo-Protein: Total Cal = 1300
Carb = 163g (50%), Protein = 114g (30%), Fat = 22g (20%)
Yesterday was the first day I tried it out and it was new since I've been consistently maintaining low-carb and high protein as it is. It was actually an effort to start including higher carb foods - the trick is to eat healthy sources such as oats, lentils, sweet potato and fruits (esp bananas) rather than sugary, processed, refined foods which are also potent source of carbs yet not as nutritiously dense.
I didn't hit all my macros - more protein, less carbs and OK fat however overall it was a good first attempt, and next time will be on Saturday for a LEGS session - yay! PERFECT TIMING IS AWESOME.
- L-TYROSINE: An amino acid that supports the thyroid by converting T4 (moderately calorie burning thyroid hormone) into T3 (more potent calorie burning). I don't have further research on this and it would be sensible to dig further about it; for time being I will take it face value and allow it to be beneficial information at my disposal.
Starting yesterday I took 1000mg pre-workout and so far, so good.
- L-CARNITINE: specifically, stack carnitine, BCAAs and caffeine pre-workout to protect muscle mass, especially if you do fasted cardio or cardio after weights. I have a coffee pre-WO anyways so the main tweak here is to resume L-Carnitine. I had taken it about 1 year ago and then stopped when I went through a period of staying off supps to cleanse my liver. However, now feels like a suitable time to re-incoporate it.
- COOK WITH GARLIC (or take a supp): garlic stimulates adrenaline which in turn breaks down fat; it promotes Uncoupling Proteins which increase calorie burning; and control cortisol levels. Last night I cooked with almost 1/3 cup of garlic...let's see how long I keep it up before the garlic breath gets to me and i decide on odorless pills instead.
The other ideas were eating more protein, eat more fish, take creatine and Fenugreek as an herb which can blunt blood sugar rises. I already eat high protein & fish daily so no need there. Creatine causes water storage in the cells (thus the bulkier look most guys are going for, but not me) so I won't need that; and fenugreek - well, I will probably try cooking with fenugreek in the near future however for time being I am taking Apple Cider Vinegar tabs and Chromium, both of which work towards metabolizing glucose, maintaining steady low blood sugar levels (no spikes), so that fat and glucose are utilized for energy and hormones remain stable. It basically main I don't feel right now I need to tack on yet another tool for the same objective.
Whenever incoporating a new supplement regime, workout plan or eating plan, it's generally said to give it time - at least 30 days. I'll do that...focusing on these particular elements in addition to the other supps I've been taking:
AM, Empty Stomach:
- Vit D
- Hyaluronic Acid (for joint lubrication, eye and cell regeneration)
- Pro-Biotic
- Now also L Carnitine
Between & With Meals:
- Oil of Oregano (oil droplets)
- Glucosamine Chondroitin
- Chromium Picolinate
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- L'Arginine (sometimes)
- L'Leucine (sometimes)
- Raspberry Ketones
- 5 HTP
- Magnesium (1g)
- Valerian Root
I also have:
- Borage Oil (nerve cell repair)
- Huperzine A (memory, brain functioning)
- Vit C + Rosehips (immunity + antioxidant)
- Astragalus (immunity)
- Zinc (antioxidant)
You can imagine what my cupboard looks like!
Not to mention the protein powders: ON Hydro Whey, 2 tubs of Natural Factors Whey (Green Tea & Vanilla), ON Casein chocolate, Garden of Life Raw Protein Powder and finally Blue Bonnet Post-Workout Protein Powder (choco).
I try to cycle things and I don't take all every day - that would be excessive, especially considering that each one has fillers: Magnesium Stearate, vegetable glycerin and others.
Some say that supps are just a business and money-making scheme, that they are not actually helpful. Others, normally the users, rely on them to boost their efforts - whether that be brain functioning, athletic performance, fat loss, immunity or whatever the intent may be. Both true.
I prefer getting my nutrients from whole foods, however, we just cannot eat enough of certain foods to receive the concentrated dose of supplements. I just try to keep it balanced and somewhat moderate while accepting that I take more than the average person, although not more than the average fitness lover or bodybuilder (defo not!).
These items are made in labs and thus natural, 1-ingredient foods will always, always, always be preferable and more wholesome. Nevertheless, just how much white fish can you eat for the protein it contains before you grow some scales and swim off into the Indian Ocean?? Or for that matter, how many eggs can you eat before you start growing feathers :) I consume so many egg whites I joke about having my own farm to get some real grass-fed eggs. Maybe my future husband will own a little plot of farmland to nourish us!
I feel the difference when I take certain supps and thus conclude that they can be beneficial, taken in proper dosage and with a clear understanding of your baseline levels in terms of whether you are addressing a deficiency.
Continuous experimentation - self-experimentation - is the name of the game and that is also a fun & stimulting part of life.

Step into the Lab of Life!

calorie burning thyroid hormone called T4 into a more potent calorie
burning one called T3 - See more at:
amino acid tyrosine is also effective in turning a moderately calorie
burning thyroid hormone called T4 into a more potent calorie burning one
called T3. Three thousand mg of L-tyrosine taken before training or
cardio will do the trick. - See more at:
Thanks so much for this information. I have to let you know I concur on several of the points you make here and others may require some further review, but I can see your viewpoint.Onnit Canada