Thursday, April 3, 2014

Geat Plyos (Plyometrics) - Cardio boost + Carbs as Fuel

Every day is a great day for a great day :-)

This morning I had an amazing workout - I went in not knowing what I would train yet allowed myself to know/believe that I would figure it out and make it good once I hit the gym floor.
I had my oats and 7g protein and noted I felt sort of tired/lazy before leaving the apartment. I think it was due to the 1/2 tsp Magnesium salts I took in the morning. I should've known better! Magnesium is typically a relaxant and usually taken pre-bedtime to promote better sleep. I took it this morning because I was listening to a podcast (one of my faves, Ben Greenfield Fitness), and he mentioned that Magnesium is helpful in promoting Adinopectin which is a hormone integral to body fat composition and seems to be found in higher concentrations in lean people. From a 2005 study found on PubMed:
"adiponectin levels are lower in obese subjects than in lean subjects. Apart from negative correlations with measures of adiposity, adiponectin levels are also reduced in association with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes."
To increase/promote Adinopectin production you can take magnesium which is found naturally in pumpkin seeds as well as through an MG supplement. Since I've recently been cutting down my pill supplements, including MG, I realized that I've been missing Mg and thus added it this morning. Thankfully, I counterbalanced the slight sluggishness by drinking my 2 cups of delicious coffee, ensuring it buzzed my system. In the end it most certainly worked its magic.

Going back to the original point, once at the gym I 'woke up' so to speak and realized I was going to focus on plyometrics and raising my heart rate throughout with some emphasis on biceps. It was tons of fun. Burpees, jumping jacks, supported pullups, inverted rows, high quick knee raises, mountain climbers, star jumps, squat jumps and quick alternating toe-to-bench taps. I definitely raised my heart rate and experience some challenge to the muscles, which is great.

I also observed I was very energized and had an amazing workout - it just may be the case that the carbs I've been adding to my system are serving as potent fuel for my workouts.

So far so good, and I hope for continued positive outcomes along the way.

Tomorrow is legs day - finally I have a full, normal weekend again! After one month of training classes, which were really stimulating and engaging, I am also thrilled I can sleep in, eat my breakfast with peace and ease and make plans to enjoy the two days of REST albeit without rest from the gym tomorrow ;-)

Finally, the most valuable aspect of this all, for me, is that I have a healthy, vital, active, functioning body. I'm so blessed and thankful I can jump around in creative, fun ways; i can grow stronger and have new experiences within my own skin n bones. It's remarkable. I realize one day in the distant future my activity levels will be modified; thus, I'm thankful for this moment now, this moment in time, this particularly stage and chapter in my 20s where I am so passionate, devoted and excited about weight training and being fit. It is just amazing that this can endure for the rest of my long and healthy, joyful, love-filled life. :-)


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