Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Personal Power: If you want to Reduce/Eliminate Dairy Consumption - Tips...

☀️If you're thinking about giving up Dairy...🐄

Whether it is for health, spiritual, nutritional, physique or philosophical reasons you may be wanting to shift your nutritional habits by cutting back on or completely eliminating Milk/Cow-derived dairy products.

This includes: milk, cheese, yogurts, baked goods made with dairy, etc. and cow derivatives - but you don't know how to do it?

It's too big a change but you're curious and/or very eager?

Are you afraid you'll undergo Cravings? Or that your family, friends, social influences will be too hard to bear?

There are definitely ways to vanquish the internal fears and surpass the external factors that would seemingly make this a difficult change.

It is possible and it can ultimately become relatively effortless - the first step is when YOU DECIDE you're eager, willing and resolved to make this change. 

Here are my Personal Power tips and insights into what I did and what helped along the way. Specifically, I mention 4 aspects that were crucial to my ability to make such a drastic change and to stay on the path.

Take it one day at a time and think of it as a long and steady journey with ups and downs.

Wishing you a great day!


Personal Power Life Coaching

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