Hi there! I'm Jen and this space is about beautiful passions: happiness, fitness, weight-training, well-being, personal success & satisfaction, relationships and LOVE.
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Hello friends! Happy days & happy moment wherever you are. Namaste 🕉💕 Thanks for joining in this Live Tarot session featuring our reading for Sept. 8-9, 2018 -
Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance - Insight for Sept.8-9, 2018: "YOUR 2 SIDES; NOW IT'S TIME TO SHINE, BRIDGE THE GAP."
🔮Queen of Cups (rev)/ 2 of Wands (rev) - 🔮 The Fool (0) - new beginning, new horizons, new opportunities, open to adventure, exploring, discovering, moving ahead and traveling light (light within). The sun is bright and white (!) at your back supporting you infinitely, holistically and definitely. 🔮The Star (17) - spiritual opening and a bridging of the 'gap' between outer and inner world, looking within and being open. the water is pouring on both ends i.e. creativity, expansion, openness, intuition, inspiration, divine energy flow, into the water and into the land. 💫 Inspired thoughts: ▪ What is real will never be forgotten. ▪ Truth is real & Stands the test of 'time' - this is eternal being. 💫 Thank you for joining! May this message uplift, inspire, enliven and deepen your/our Joy. Namaste, with Love, Jennifer Tarot
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