Hello World!
Hello Friends,
Discover the latest Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance message for Jan30/31-Feb 1, 2018 - A message to empower each listener and enhance your journey of self-illumination, joy and wellbeing.
Enjoy and Thank You.
Hello Everyone! Friends around the world.
Here is our Tarot Message and Spiritual Guidance - Jan. 30/31-Feb 1, 2018: CELEBRATE BALANCED GIVING & RECEIVING
∞ 3 of CUPS - Rejoice and celebrate for victory is here! A time of connection, community unification and co-creation - commune+Unity, Communicate+Unite, express to bring together and unify. Wonderfully interesting and fascinating. Lift up your glasses to all that you can create and acknowledge that is good and well, and the benefits of the life you are now living exactly as it is.
∞ 6 of PENTACLES (rev) - A time to reconsider the balance of giving and taking in your life; Be aware of how you can live in even greater balance with your wellbeing so that you are replenished (rather than depleted) by your actions, activities and good intentions. It is all about balance and sustainability in the long run. Also, consider whether you are asking for what you need and truly in tune with and honoring your material, emotional and spiritual needs. You are a multifaceted being and will thrive to the greatest extent as you fulfill yourself in a balanced and harmonious manner.
∞ 5 of PENTACLES - Today a story emerged from the scene... 'run for cover - it's snowing and cold!' they exclaimed. The barefooted, homeless woman was covered only with a thin shawl and the shabbily dressed man on crutches hobbled behind her; through the snow and dark of night one could only distinguish his mismatched, second-hand shoes and missing sleeve. His head also seemed to be bandaged as if he is unwell and recently went through some mishap or accident.
Consider how these symbols and this scene - the people depicted therein - might be reflecting your personal circumstances at this point in time. Do you see or feel yourself to be one of the figures running for cover? Or, do you resonate with the notion that perhaps YOU are a helper and guide to others? This is a potent time in your life to recognize that you are no longer as weak or defenseless as you once perceived yourself (or your circumstances) to be. Rather, as time has passed and you have grown, know now that others also may seek your guidance and "shelter" - a metaphorical refuge - in the knowledge, guidance, strength, joy upliftment and wisdom you can impart. Bear this in mind as you go about your days. Invite yourself to stand fully in your power gradually, day by day, and reflect the power of THE MAGICIAN which is indicated below in the P.S.
Additionally, cultivate and create this power for yourself consistently and joyously.
PS: The MAGICIAN flipped while shuffling indicating this is a great time to step more fully into your power and take control of your inner resources; remind yourself of your strengths and let them be the most significant things you consider and think about as you set forth on your way in every day.
Thank you & wishing so much joy ahead!
Jennifer Tarot
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