Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22 - Positive Aspects & Reflections

Thank you, God, Source, AH, for this fabulous, fantastic, amazing, awesome, incredible and lovely, love-filled day!

I am so grateful for this new day and fresh beginning. I want to be a powerful focuser of empowering, beautiful thoughts - it is my dominant intent to focus on the things that are pleasing, lovely, beautiful, pleasant to behold and which resonate with higher vibrations. I choose to focus on the things I like and would like to embrace further in my life.  I am noticing what I like and appreciate.

The answers will come if you will only listen.

Direct your appreciation to your self, your inner being. Getting into the Vortex through appreciation.
Gratitude for so many wonderful blessings here and now!

Quiet your mind and be open to receive the messages and signs from the world around you; the universe.

I've opened my heart to new love; like a flower lifting its petals upwards and outwards, ready to thirstily imbibe the droplets of love, connection and happiness. A dream fulfilled.

New ideas and intentions from Joel Osteen's sermon:

- Pay attention about who you're spending your time with; those closest to you will rub off on you.
- Are you soaring with eagles, inspiring, visionary people? Leaders and people of integrity, positive ideas and influence.
-  People with positive responses to situations, positive ideas and insights; interesting topics to talk about. Who are these people in my life?
- Character, integrity, faith, spirituality, growing, developing
- Don't spend your time with people who bring out the worst in you; spend time with the people who bring out the best in you...those who inspire you to rise to new heights - an excellent spirit!


  1. Nice to focus on spirituality, thankfulness and being with the right people.

    1. Hi Raju! Thank you so much for your comment and reading. You're so wonderful! Thank you and keep soaring high as a kite. Peace and well-being abound as we focus on it, meditate on it and invite further into our lives.
