Thursday, March 26, 2015

Personal Maxims - Things I Know To Be True

Good morning!

Happy & great morning to you :-D

It's a beautiful, blessed and magnificent new day. New adventures, magic and love are here upon us. I'm really looking forward to this day's unfolding. It has already begun in a magnificent and fun way. Awesome! Sometimes words are not enough to completely encompass and transmit our feelings and that is OK. At times it is better to simply FEEL and let it be without trying to narrow it down into verbal, written form.

Whenever you catch yourself in a moment of bliss where you are feeling a lot and somehow you don't find the perfect words to express what this means for you, just let it be and simply FEEL IT. Allow yourself to bask in that emotion, that beautiful feeling, that experience. You will set this more deeply into your memory and psyche and allow your heart and soul to connect more deeply with the moment.

Some moments are too exquisite and God-like to shape into human form and language. 
That's special and when you experience such moments realize that you are blessed.

Things I believe & know to be true:

  • God is my strength
  • God's love, strength, and grace makes all things possible.
  • Everything happens for a reason.
  • I love to love.
  • I love to be at peace.
  • Things are always working for me.
  • We deserve to be happy.
  • Gratitude is the key to happiness.
  • We all want to love and be loved.
  • I am always in the right place at the right time.
  • Things happen at the right time.
  • We all like and seek clarity.
  • I don't need to know how things will work out; I trust they will.
  • I don't need to know why things happened as they did; some things are not for me to know and that is divine.
  • Soul Mate Love is my destiny.
  • Trusting feels good.
  • It feels good to move forward.
  • It feels good to Connect.
  • People want to be appreciated, recognized and understood.
  • Love makes all things possible.
  • True Love starts within, with our Self.
  • Thoughts create reality.
  • Mind is a powerful ally; our mind has unlimited potential.
  • We are more powerful than we think.
  • I am more than I appear to be. The strength and power of the Universe rests inside of me. (From "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" by Robin Sharma)
  • When your heart and soul truly, deeply desire a dream, the whole Universe conspires in your favor to make it a reality.
  • We want something because we think that in the having of it we will feel better.
  • The purpose of my life is to live in joy, peace, love and appreciation.
  • Laughter is powerful medicine.
  • Mother Nature has healing powers for the heart and soul.
  • All things take time; patience is learned over time.
  • Every day in every way I am getting better.
  • Life keeps getting better and better.
  • The universe is always providing signs; just pay attention.
  • If it feels like you have to try too hard or it's just not easily working out, and it takes you away from being yourself and feeling good - let it go, it's not for you.
  • I am responsible for my happiness, nobody else.
  • I am not responsible for anyone else's happiness.
  • I am whole and complete; everything I need to thrive and succeed exists within me.

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