Monday, July 13, 2020

Positive Aspects - Count My Blessings 1x1

Dear Lord, Dear Self, Dear Higher Guidance and infinite intelligence and Higher Wisdom,

I come before you and with you now - (and in fact we are always connected, aren't we?) - to focus on the good, positive and love-filled path. It is the track of Source or God energy to amplify and grow the goodness in our lives, starting individually and then that energy radiates and emanates henceforth. 
These are worldly terms for The One Life Force, or Creator.

Thank you for this day. Thank you for my life. I love my life and I love God.
Life loves me and God loves, adores, values and cherishes me.
I am encouraged and boosted from my higher forces and I am surrounded by the Love of Angels.

Thank you for waking me so pleasantly, peacefully and serenely this morning. In my home, my own private bed, my own space to have privacy, joy, ease of movement and comfort. 
Thank you for our morning walk and taking in the fresh air and sunshine. It's a blessing to walk freely in terms of physical health and capability. It is a twofold blessing in the sense that so many other countries are still in lock-down mode or facing the soaring numbers of Covid. 
We are fortunate - I am really, deeply fortunate - to be in Dubai. 

I am thankful I went to the gym ensuing my outdoor walk and lifted weights, trained my shoulders and abs. It's a blessing to have an open, accessible, and conveniently-situated gym that is well stocked and well maintained and where fellow residents can also exercise. 

 Thank you!

Thank you for my amazing, loving, kind family. Thank you for so much love we share and good harmonization - with my loving, kind mother, father and phenomenal brother.

Thank you for my job and employment and how it prospers me in financial wealth and social fabric and in mental/emotional well-being. 

Thank you for my healthy, nourishing foods and drinks - herbal teas and clean, purified water. These are magnificent! Thank you for strengthening and empowering me to choose my foods and drinks and THOUGHTS with wisdom, intelligence, planning and joy. 

Thank you for my magnificent colleagues and the nice, pleasant, well-kept office premises.
THank you for my most decent and humane, pleasant and excellent boss.
I really appreciate where I am in life and eager for more development, expansion and movement forward into feeling even more satisfaction in my profession and career.

I love and appreciate my relationships - my magnificent, amazing, one-of-a-kind Friends! Those blessed beings with whom I share the good and bad stories and our rollercoaster journey through life.
We enjoy wonderful laughs and good outings. Thank you so much for my friends!
Thank you, thank you for so much health and vitality and energy in my body! Thank you for my amazing and awesome, remarkable, extraordinary body which carries me cheerfully through my daily life.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Dubai Lolita - Love, Health, Fitness & Freedom: Letting of the Scale of Judgment - What I Do Diffe...

Dubai Lolita - Love, Health, Fitness & Freedom: Letting of the Scale of Judgment - What I Do Diffe...: Do you weigh yourself every day?  Does it kill your mood or emotional joy if the scale number is not to your liking?  In this post..

Hello Friends! Hoping & trusting you are well.   Do you weigh yourself every day, or frequently? Has your day ever been upended once you saw a number on the scale that displeased you?  It's so easy and common for us to base our happiness, self-esteem and health on a single digit! This might seem crazy when we think logically however we are emotions, past memories, insecurities and health challenges too.

Here is my latest Blog entry being very authentic and really raw with my own experience with the scale...the tension, satisfaction, the non-need and yet the compulsion to keep a habit in my life.

I share this to express and be true to myself, and to proceed even with fear that a reader will judge me for being disordered or off-kilter.

I am human, I am feeling and I am always evolving and developing - as we all are. I am daily on the "Potter's Wheel".

What about you? I am with you in Spirit in those struggles and you can move forward once you accept what you are and what you are becoming.

Don't shy away from your dreams and truth.

Being authentically you because that is your essence and that is daily life.

Let's go on,

Jennifer​ Personal Power Life Coaching - Wellness​.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Letting of the Scale of Judgment - What I Do Differently & Better Next Time

Do you weigh yourself every day? 

Does it kill your mood or emotional joy if the scale number is not to your liking? 

In this post I am journaling and being real, raw, and authentic to my experience. Perhaps these ideas will resonate with you in some respect. The intention is to share something I encounter and this can possibly assist you remember that:

  • You are wonderful with or without specific weight.
  • You are loved and lovable regardless of your appearance or weight. 
  • You are worthy and worth respecting, and most important worth your own self-respect
What does this mean to you?

This is meant to bring to air the thoughts and emotions that invade our inner personal space and wreak havoc on inner-peace; hence we want to focus on more from the inside out.

We just cannot base your goodness on factors like weight, fat gain/loss, muscle gain/loss, appearance etc.  You are more than that. 
We want to have deeply stable and healthy self-esteem and no longer judge ourselves based on the scale number. Let's not allow a single number determine whether you feel good or bad or if you have a great or poor day.

You deserve - I deserve - We all Deserve better than that but first we have to realize that and really accept it. 

It whittles down to thoughts we think that cause us to feel bad about ourselves, our body, and to criticize an aspect of yourself or your appearance. 

It's hard to escape our body and appearance because we are constantly exposed to it - we are living and carrying our body, and hence we must learn to develop, sustain and enjoy a harmonious and peaceful, loving relationship with your eternal vehicle through life. The only constant is the physical corpus you carry around with your consciousness. It's remarkable to appreciate the phrase "Your Body is your Temple".
These are just words that may seem trite or overused yet they are accurate. Your physical body is the house, or temple, vessel, vehicle and the portal with which and through which you literally interact and engage with the external physical world and all its manifold physical experiences. Your body carries you through life. Isn't that important enough to matter in terms of respecting our body in all its glory, whatever size and shape, it is?

Journal Entry that Day

Dear Lord, Dear Self,
Taking this time to reflect and write down my thoughts as my emotions and feelings felt a bit obscure and heavy since this morning.
I woke up feeling great after a wonderful night's sleep.
But things changed in my feelings and mindset when I weighed myself and saw that my weight went back up to what it was 2 days ago.
Nevertheless, I had eaten fine and well yesterday. My basic raw fruits and veggies daily intake.
Today thought my weight was back up again...
Feels bizarre. I felt a bit surprised and frustrated and kind of discouraged because I'm not sure what I did wrong or what factored into that extra weight gain.
I've been at this weight before and I have learned to not spas out or become discouraged or let that negatively influence my mood, feelings and emotional calm for the rest of the day.
It would be a shame for a simple number on an electronic device to disturb my ease and joy so much that it upends the rest of my day

What about you? Has this every happened to you and do you ever fight with the scale? We are all fighting our own struggles and face our own limiting thoughts. It's a life's journey to understand and overcome those self-imposed limits.

But still, there is also the light voice that says, "Hey, that's OK. Just let it go. Focus on today and stay on your track. Don't let that get you down and off plan. You are doing great and you did feel good. Take it day by day, one at a time, and execute your plan and desired focus for today starting new and fresh and actually DOING IT :-). Don't let this become an excuse or a reason for you to self-sabotage and backslide for no huge reason. You got this! :-)💪💝"
This is the kind, loving voice which combats the pesky, negative ones that hurt us so much.

When you catch yourself starting to go into Negative-Thoughts Land 

Turning into a sour mood? It helps to write down your thoughts to better understand what is actually your thought process which has caused a decline in your positive mood. 

'Troublesome' thoughts that circled my mind:

  • "What the hell!😞😖 All this effort and restraint and self-control, deprivation and self-management and still I just can't win??
  • I might as well stop caring and give in to the other foods - cooked, packaged, bars, etc - that I'm missing out on. 
  • What's the use? So much effort and conscientiousness and I still can't seem to get this number under control.
This above reflects the thought stream of the OFF VOICE.
Sound familiar?

These thoughts are very subtle and sheer and sometime very loud, mean and jarring. However, we must always be vigilant, especially with those that are light and sheer that ebb and undulate lightly through the open window of Insecurity.

I'm not alone and you are not alone in having types of thoughts; so many women and men struggle with their weight, appearance and want to lose weight. Millions of people worldwide are running this race! Exerting self-control every day on the journey towards more personal satisfaction and self-acceptance - which is manifested as a scale weight! It's a bit crazy and startling considering we are more than a weight and no specific weight or number is every going to satiate and appease the deeper-rooted need of being loved, self-appreciation and oneness with our divinity.

We are so much more!

Brains, feelings, love, sensitivity, emotions, spirit, joy, sharing and warmth, family, etc. Energy, power, creativity, self-expression.

I carried on with my morning, went out on my walk feeling that slight persistent confusion about the number on the scale but just letting it be - it is done and it is what it is?

Must let go of self-shaming & Low Self-Esteem

  1. It is only a digit on an electronic device. It's not the evil or enemy.
  2. It does not reflect your/my value or intelligence or worthiness.
  3. The scale weight does not and should not determine my happiness on any day because that is unstable and a slippery slope. It is conditional happiness. And eventually can turn into conditional self-love, or self-abhorrence and this latter manifestation is neither mentally nor physically healthy.
  4. A daily measurement is NOT an accurate measure of your percentage fat loss. It does show your water retention, sodium levels in the body, bowel weight (food in your intestines before being eliminated); it does reflect whether you slept enough or not.
No person's value, importance, or worth depends or stems from what they weigh. It just doesn't.

Cramming Food? The main lunch meal...

It was primarily mango and today perhaps I overdid it. They were super delicious however I often tend to have just a little more. They were great whilst eating and I don't think I 'binged' on them because I finished my meal feeling satiated, full, complete and satisfied but not overly full. 

However, I felt also subsequently that it was too much mango at that sitting and it may have generated some gastric juices that felt uncomfortable. I didn't really need the 2 extra mini mangoes. They were not going to go bad and I was no longer hungry at that point. 
However, the other brain and other part of me - what Dr. Glenn Livingston, PhD Psychologist & Authorignominiously labels as "The Pig" wanted more of that good stuff. 
It happens from time to time - stuffing or 'cramming' food despite already feeling fed and full.

Dr. Doug Lisle, Evolutionary Psychologist and co-Author, has discussed and presented at length about called this non-pathological mechanism the "Conditioned Cram" whereby due to our evolutionary history of being hunters and gatherers and going for long periods of time without adequate food (i. hunger) this biology and primal brain seeks to consume more, or hoard more, calories once feeding does become available.

In the modern world this has been a factor in overeating because most of us in the modern world do not face a food shortage.  Rather, we have been self- and environmentally conditioned to be most attracted to calorie-rich, dense, low-nutrient, highly-palatable foods.
These engineered and processed foods trick our primal brain-centered satiation hormones and mechanisms and so we feel empty when logically and technically we are well fed; and simultaneously we think we want more and more to fill the 'need'.
We continue to put more food in our mouth.
Ironically,what triggers the cramming then is the fullness itself which hits and lights up the switch to continue putting more in - cramming more food in despite discomfort and already being noticeably full.

An Antidote to Cramming Food?:

Having learned from various health experts, nutritionists, psychologists:
  • Step #1: Do not restrict, fast or go for long periods of time intentionally starving your body. Do not put your body into a state of caloric depletion whereby it thinks that food is scarce, calories are for a limited time only, and that once you open the door to eating or feeding again it becomes a floodgate where you are programmed to eat to extreme fullness in order to compensate for periods of false starvation. We need to nourish our bodies with enough calories and nutrients on a consistent basis, reliably and stably.
  • Next steps in this process counter and defeat overeating or binge-eating tendency behavior is:
  • Have a regular source of incoming calories/nutrition/nutrients throughout the day
  • Don't fast or starve yourself 
  • Break down your meal frequency to 3-6 times per day, a schedule that works for you. Such as 3 regular meals and 1-3 'snacks'.
  • Feed yourself with nourishing, nutrient-rich, fiber-rich, whole foods. This matters immensely because when we are eating processed, chemically-laden, factory-engineered foods with MSG, natural flavours, fillers, chemicals, white sugar, gluten, wheat, etc. we are giving our body EMPTY CALORIES which do not register adequately in the brain and hormones and hence can cause you to feel and think that you are still hungry despite having eaten more than enough, and this is true even for those who binge and still do not feel full. This is because the food substance is not real food - it is artificially constructed "edible food-like substances" {term originally coined by Michael Pollan}.

Just to be clear I don't think or consider today's meal eating was a 'binge' but rather a reflection of a type of behavior that could quickly escalate into binge eating in anyone conditioned or programmed, or even from pathological reasons.

Lessons Learned - What I will do Differently & Better Next Time:

  • Mindfully and intentionally will never eat more than X grams in 1 lunch meal and only at lunch. 
  • Ensure that my lunch meal maxes out at an adequate-for-me # of calories by 3:00pm. So that if I go to the office in the afternoon for work, I still have space and mental and physical comfort to consumer a snack of veg+fruit, and avoid overeating later in the day. Regular, consistent and healthful nutrition flowing in.
  • Other consideration for you, the Reader: If a food is not healthy or you can't control yourself with it, or it has apparent negative consequences on your health it may be a good idea to stop completely consuming that food item. Or, cut it out for a certain time...perhaps 1 month, and see how you feel. I still have plenty of mangoes at home which I can ultimately freeze and wait for them in the future. 
  • Just put the food down! The next time you hear that voice: 'Have 1 more, have 2 more' 😈😈😈😠or 'it's just too good' etc. etc. ...   Remember that you can tell that voice to Shut Up and let it know: NO! We had more than plenty and we don't need to stuff our face and our beautiful body with more than is adequate already. It's not like my body is a garbage bin or huge hamper to be jammed with old, musty clothes.
  • THE GOAL AND higher PREFERENCE is to be light, flowing, calm, and ongoing sustained energy throughout the day.

We have 2 competing voices in our head and we must learn to distinguish which is (1) the health-oriented, stable, reasoned voice - and which (2) is the overstepping-bounds and good reason and good health-Voice is.  Light & Dark?
Otherwise, ignoring the 'Voice or PULL to Overeat' means ignoring the impulse of the primal, instinctual animal brain when it no longer serves us in that moment of modern life.

Final Thoughts:

We can have more peace and calm and joy in our daily lives when we learn to appreciate and transcend these primal junk or garbage ideas, and embrace and live out the inspired impulses that will lead to great self satisfaction, harmony with our bodies and inner & outer wellness in mind, body and spirit. 

You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be proud of who you are and to feel happy in your daily life and for us to not make a big deal or create even more future problems for ourselves.

We can step forward now and have more wisdom to know the difference, and the courage to accept what is true, good and what is out of our control...and to release what does not serve us.

Blessings & Namaste,



Sunday, July 5, 2020

Wanting To Be Loved - Turning Thoughts Around

Hello dears,
It's been a long while since I came to this site and these pages and decided to write.
Or thought that I had something to share and journal.
Actually, that is why and what I am doing now, here. I am journaling because I've recently heard others mention the word or suggestion to 'journal' and 'journaling your thoughts' or 'journaling your reaction and feelings after x situation'.

I've recently been wracked or afflicted with negative, stinkin', poopy-pants thinking. Fears, self-doubts, stupid, recurrent insecurities.
Comparing my body to other women on IG and real life who have beautiful, flat, firm abs; or who seem to be doing more, being more actively creative and sharing their content.

I'm also frightened when I hear those inspirational talks or YouTube videos that mention repeatedly "living your purpose", "pursuing your passion", being your fullest self, helping others, etc. etc.

It's a lot these days for me to take.
I'm just over here, in Dubai, by myself, doing my darnedest to take care of my health, finances, house, work performance and fitness. And Sleep! Sleep is crucial.
Where do I fit in my 'passion'? It seems that with time I do enjoy it still (the sharing videos and my information) however it also takes time and energy.
Am I energy-depleted?
These types of questions evoke subsequent insecurities like:
- Am I eating enough? I am for my body without stuffing myself to the gills. I also am content with my current weight. And while I'd love to have even more defined, buffer, leaner, more pronounced, stronger muscles...I also don't want the parallel and ensuing fat mass gain it entails.

- Is something wrong with me?
- Am I doing something wrong?
- What do I have to do to change my course and really feel like I am fulfilling my true life purpose, expressing my passion daily and living daily with joy, peace, satisfaction and in alignment with Source Energy, divine Providence, infinite Intelligence, all labels for the same - for God.

As a young teenager and throughout my early 20s I emphasized, adopted and embraced the concept of 'virtue in suffering' and 'no gain without pain' and that you have to prove your worth.
And that you don't need so much sleep, you need to suffer and bear with the discomfort, wake up early at 5AM or 4AM in university and keep charging ahead.
There is some vigor and energy to that mindset and the lifestyle and movement patterns it embodies.
However also tiring, depleting and I was running entirely on adrenaline and TOO MUCH CAFFEINE. Lol. Back in the day I used to wake up to brew a pot of flavored coffees. I see now that I drank up to 2-3 cups of coffee every day of my life from 17yrs-25 - almost 8 years overall. Perhaps it was all too much.

Fast-Forward to the present day, July 2nd, 2020 and I am currently on Zero Caffeine and it's been a total of about 45 days or so. It's been fine actually and the most interesting is that I have not missed the green or black teas. I was off coffee anyway for the past 2 years, with perhaps 1-2 cups per month, 24 cups/year. In estimation...
However, no caffeinated coffee since March to July 2020 --> 4 months. I don't miss it, and the only time I think of it is when I see the barista from across my balcony delivering some coffee to a resident in the living complex.

Anyway, the point is that I have changed and evolved a lot over the years and that is perhaps the most natural thing and way of a human in development year on year.

Back to my Insecurities:

One of the most recurrent thoughts that I receive or hear and notice in my head: 
  • I just want to be loved.
  • I want to be approved of and validated.
  • I want to be beautiful.
  • I want to be loved.
And, so, if I don't judge or criticize my own mind and its creations, by whom or by what do I want to be loved?

I want my boss's approval but that is a slippery slope and his job is not to love me so I do not, cannot, expect that from him. And yet, I want to make him and others happy.
There is this tendency to want to please others, and for others to like me. 
But it's no one's job or responsibility or duty to like me, or anyone for that matter. Each person is entitled to their free will, preferences, choices and behavior and no one else (not me) affects that. 
Yet, my inner working try to influence others' opinions so that they see me in the most favorable light and so that I am nice, and friendly and helpful, courteous, pleasing, ...etc. 
I am naturally a pleasant and nice person but I've come to learn that I am not always in that 'mood' or frame of mind. Sometimes I am tired, or absorbed in my own thoughts, or I just don't care if that person likes me or not...
Nevertheless, I always strive for the most positive and uplifting exchange possible with everyone else. ANd if the other party is not up for it, then I just don't pay attention to them and keep to myself. 

So what is the purpose of this Journal Entry?

I suppose that the most important element of what I have written above is that I always hear that thought in my head: "I JUST WANT TO BE LOVED". 
Then it leads to thought: "I miss my family and their support."

And they do love me deeply, immensely and powerfully. 
I get sensitive and feel teary-eyed just thinking these thoughts. They do love me, of course, they are just very far away physically. 
But the love is definitely, totally, absolutely present. Amen.

And so, how can I evolve, learn, grow and transcend this recurrent thought: "I just want to be loved, adored, approved of" ?
Also important to note is that God loves me - and God is with me and within me. God is Abraham, Source Energy, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Providence, Faith, Wellbeing, Love. 

I would like that and this to be enough. I don't need more, and really I do not need more and could not have more than the Creator itself - Life Force and God - to love me infinitely and endlessly. I just need to feel it more. 
So I now open myself to that and make myself totally receptive and sensitive to you, dear God, to your love and adoration. Thank you for it. 

Now the good, positive thoughts! Turn the stinky thinky to something Bright & Light:

  • I am/ You are doing better than you think and better than you realize.
  • All is well.
  • Things are always working out for you.
  • I am in the right place at the right time doing my right work.
  • You are stronger and smarter than you realize.
  • You are doing enough
  • You are enough
  • You are exactly where you're supposed to/meant to be. 
  • Life loves and supports you in myriad ways.
  • I am loved - I have a loving family, my friends love me. I can love me. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance�� Live Reading, Focus: ��✍Career, Work a...

Hello friends! 🔮Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance🔮
Live Reading and Q&A -
Focus Topic: Career, Work and Employment guidance in times ahead.

For faith, support, joy and ongoing high vibrations for you and all.

Thank you, Jennifer