Monday, July 13, 2020

Positive Aspects - Count My Blessings 1x1

Dear Lord, Dear Self, Dear Higher Guidance and infinite intelligence and Higher Wisdom,

I come before you and with you now - (and in fact we are always connected, aren't we?) - to focus on the good, positive and love-filled path. It is the track of Source or God energy to amplify and grow the goodness in our lives, starting individually and then that energy radiates and emanates henceforth. 
These are worldly terms for The One Life Force, or Creator.

Thank you for this day. Thank you for my life. I love my life and I love God.
Life loves me and God loves, adores, values and cherishes me.
I am encouraged and boosted from my higher forces and I am surrounded by the Love of Angels.

Thank you for waking me so pleasantly, peacefully and serenely this morning. In my home, my own private bed, my own space to have privacy, joy, ease of movement and comfort. 
Thank you for our morning walk and taking in the fresh air and sunshine. It's a blessing to walk freely in terms of physical health and capability. It is a twofold blessing in the sense that so many other countries are still in lock-down mode or facing the soaring numbers of Covid. 
We are fortunate - I am really, deeply fortunate - to be in Dubai. 

I am thankful I went to the gym ensuing my outdoor walk and lifted weights, trained my shoulders and abs. It's a blessing to have an open, accessible, and conveniently-situated gym that is well stocked and well maintained and where fellow residents can also exercise. 

 Thank you!

Thank you for my amazing, loving, kind family. Thank you for so much love we share and good harmonization - with my loving, kind mother, father and phenomenal brother.

Thank you for my job and employment and how it prospers me in financial wealth and social fabric and in mental/emotional well-being. 

Thank you for my healthy, nourishing foods and drinks - herbal teas and clean, purified water. These are magnificent! Thank you for strengthening and empowering me to choose my foods and drinks and THOUGHTS with wisdom, intelligence, planning and joy. 

Thank you for my magnificent colleagues and the nice, pleasant, well-kept office premises.
THank you for my most decent and humane, pleasant and excellent boss.
I really appreciate where I am in life and eager for more development, expansion and movement forward into feeling even more satisfaction in my profession and career.

I love and appreciate my relationships - my magnificent, amazing, one-of-a-kind Friends! Those blessed beings with whom I share the good and bad stories and our rollercoaster journey through life.
We enjoy wonderful laughs and good outings. Thank you so much for my friends!
Thank you, thank you for so much health and vitality and energy in my body! Thank you for my amazing and awesome, remarkable, extraordinary body which carries me cheerfully through my daily life.

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