This Life Coaching video is designed to help you cope & handle “Bad News” resourcefully.
- Have you ever received "Bad news"?
- Can we react to and handle Bad News with Control & Wisdom?💭
We all go through moments in life where we receive “bad” or negative news. Things don’t go our way, a loved one has a health concern, a layoff, a break-up, unpleasant coworker, or any similar situation.
These experiences can feel powerful and grip our attention as something vitally important. As such, our inner wisdom guides us to engage with all of life’s situations and this is where your Personal Power needs to be activated.
Here are some Key Concepts on how to engage with such situations for the greatest wellbeing possible given the circumstances:
Adopt a new mantra: Mantra of the Moment = ✋
- Powerful Questions:
- Are you feeling emotional?
- What emotions are you feeling? Breathe into these feelings; this breathing PAUSE helps you re-center and avert rash behavior.
- Are you making assumptions?
- What are the FACTS?
- Do you need to wait for more information, data or do some research and investigate further?
- Do you need to take immediate action? If yes, then realize this is your new OUTCOME or AIM/GOAL/OBJECTIVE.
- Identify your new outcome and align with it in to take the best course of action.
- Tip: Hold off before making a conclusion...
- Tip: It is not very helpful to assume without concrete evidence or facts as your thoughts will be based on the unreal.
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✰ Recognize that you are upset or disturbed because “it” doesn’t meet your Map of Reality or match your expectations (what if you modified your expectations or Map of Reality?)
✰ Gather your facts; do research.
✰ Wait for the results or for further confirmed details, evidence. Once you have the concrete data you can shift focus onto what you can do, your new outcome (i.e. What do you now want given the information at hand?
✰ Bring yourself into the present moment (Take at least 3 deep, mindful breaths while closing your eyes)
✰ Wait before jumping to Assumptions & Conclusions
✰ Pause before any hasty actions or sudden reactionary behavior
✰ Acknowledge your emotions however do your very best to not identify with them. Give your feelings the space required however avoid impulsive actions based on immediate emotional reactions as these tend to be more dramatic, intense and changeable.
✰ Remember kindness - to yourself. This means not being harsh or judgmental on yourself or others as this only facilitates more troublesome emotions and thought pathways. Be nice to yourself.
It main seem difficult in the moment to remember these ideas, however, you can do this.
An excellent way to develop better coping mechanisms in life overall is to develop a regular Meditation practice & connecting deeply with your Higher Power.
Why is Meditation so useful and germane in this regard? Because Meditation enhances your presence, consciousness and awareness - which is about bringing concentration into the present moment and bringing your powerful mind into focus and calming it down from the raging rivers of thoughts and feelings. Meditating on a regular basis will help you bring more peace into your inner world; it enhances self-control, poise, inner clarity and presence.
Meditation helps us overcome impulsive and reactionary behavior and helps you become Master of your Self rather than a helpless victim of feelings. Feelings are fleeting, mercurial and fluctuating, and life consistently reveals itself be defined by its diverse and changing currents no matter who you are. So let us use this knowledge to our advantage, let us work with this mutable energy, let us flow with the wisdom of life and our Creator, and allow more aligned living, thinking, and wellbeing. You are meant to be happy, and you deserve the most joyful life you can imagine and even more! :-)
May we allow the wisdom and love of Spirit to permeate our minds, hearts and souls.
Would you like to discuss your own Holistic Wellness needs? Your own spiritual queries, self-development and areas for even more Personal Power? I'd love to chat with you.
Message me via Life Coaching Page and we'll get started.
I hope this helps and see you soon!
Thank you,
Peace, Love & Light
Namaste 🕉☮️☯️
Namaste 🕉☮️☯️

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