Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Where does Inspiration come from?

Where does inspiration come from?

I've always been an expressive and creative person and yet recently, in the last 1-2 months I have been experiencing myself as going through a new, enhanced phase of self-expression and creativity. Specifically, I've been more impulsed and motivated to make short videos on positivity, Life Coaching, NLP, wellbeing, gym workouts, and selfies that are linked with some positive message (mainly on Instagram).

Some days I feel like an fountain bursting forth unlimited ideas, concepts, lessons learned, and insights. Other days I will feel myself quieter and calmer...either I want to write a post however no tangible subject that I'm 'feeling', and other times it is just a matter of being too busy with work and life basics.

Ultimately, anything we create and generate requires energy. Indeed, everything in life and the world is energy in one form or another. So when we create anything we are transmuting a preexisting unseen energy, energy that is sourced from ? - Within or from the external world? This strikes me as a more metaphysical question which I don't intend to unravel just right now.

All in all, I've noticed a steadily ascending curve of production and output, which I feel is great. The moment of creating something new, visual or written, that I can share with the world gives me a thrill, sense of accomplishment and personal pride. Truly our global digital age makes it incredibly possible to share content worldwide over across different age groups, nationalities, languages, backgrounds, etc.

So as I continue to create, produce and desire doing so, I naturally wonder: Where does one's passion, drive, enthusiasm or creativity come from? Do we come with a set amount or quatity of "creativity cells" or creative quota, or quotient which we expire once we reach the bottom of capacity?

Or is creativity unlimited, infinite, boundless, eternally multiplying, abounding and able to be increased when we choose?

Can anyone become more creative if they choose doing so?

What are the advantages of being creative - how does it serve us?

These questions only scratch the surface of a meaty topic, a topic for introspection.

It seems to me that if you are creative you will also be more adaptable, flexible and visionary. These 3 key resources are intrinsically linked to any person's success. The creative mindset coupled with these other qualities better enable us to surpass obstacles, take on more new life experiences, be ready for more progress, advancement, promotion; counter challenges with more of a 'can-do' attitude, and it appears to prime you for a life of optimal levels of satisfaction.

If we can be creative and we can adapt to almost any situation.
Being creative, we can be flexible in working our peers and successfully maneuvering all of life's negotiations.
If we are creative, we can indeed visualize and be visionary in creating the life we want and the circumstances that we'd prefer.

With Creativity you can innovate solutions, think outside of the box, stretch the limits, and create something new. This is where entrepreneurs come from; this is the source of all genius inventions that ever were and ever will be.

In closing: It seems that Creativity is quite a powerful asset. How creative are you willing to be?

How fast can you change a thought? - Ways to Enhance Your Personal Power

Have you ever noticed that most of our states of discomfort, displeasure or unease stem from thoughts of corresponding nature, or thoughts that generate these negative states?

When I commenced my journey of self-improvement, self-development and self-strengthening I discovered meditation, holistic healing and various modalities that are designed and intended to enhance our state of mind and thus quality of life. One of the teachers I came across was Byron Katie who pioneered a line of powerful inquiry aptly entitled The Work. Her work has helped millions of people worldwide overcome life's difficulties, tumultuous thoughts, and inner demons.

The reason I bring this up is because she, along with dozens of other empowering figures, Louise Hay for example, have harnessed the power of Self-Awareness by underscoring the notion that:

A thought is only a thought and it can be changed.

If the source of negative emotions, and thus a negative state of mind, is a corresponding thought, and a thought can be changed, then it makes sense to conclude that if we change thoughts to positive/empowering/uplifting/resourceful thoughts we will consequently experience a boosted state of being. 

Thus the question: 
How fast can you change a thought?

There are different factors involved in Thought-Creation and Thought-Change.
Thoughts that we think consistently and repeatedly become a personal mantra and take the shape of a Belief. Beliefs are potent as they shape identity, self-confidence and our map of the world.

Thoughts that are strongly held are suffused with emotion, and emotion that is interlinked with a belief and desire for action is a potent catalyst for change and taking action.

However, not all thoughts are consistently held nor do they all become beliefs.
Some thoughts are fleeting and ephemeral, emerging unexpectedly from random life situations.

Some thoughts generate a positive mood or state, while others can potential have the opposite effect. The latter can be conducive to generating unresourceful states such as fear,doubt, anger, frustration, etc.

The thoughts that combine emotion and consistent "airtime" assume MOMENTUM, and we know how that momentum goes - once you get started it takes a life of its own, and soon enough one thought trails behind the other and it grows exponentially.

This is great for the Positive ones, however not so much for the latter set.

So how do we change the set of thoughts we willingly and readily want to release?

There is no simple, easy or one single answer or technique. Everyone is different and experiences thoughts in different ways depending on the various intrinsic personality traits.

I would like to present and share a nifty NLP + Life Coaching Technique that I have applied in Coaching sessions and on myself which has resulted in great, desired results for the Client. 

It is through the use of SUBMODALITIES and METAPHOR COACHING.

Perhaps you can consider:
- How do you effectively shift unresourceful thoughts?
- What are your trick, tips and techniques?
- What is the main difference in the momentum between your positive thoughts and nnegative thoughts?
- If you could change one thought you think repeatedly that is not serving you, what would that be?
What would be its Counterpart (the opposite thought)?

Powerful questions generate powerful answers.


In NLP, Submodalities are referred to as representational systems or modalities; the Reps systems is basically the way we individually use the five basic senses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory. Everyone has a more dominant use of certain reps systems. For instance, some people are more Kinesthetic which means they are more physical and absorb more experience through being involved in physical movement. If you are more visual you will be more impacted by the things you can see (perhaps you've heard the generalization that men are more visual?); some people are more auditory which is evident in musicians and people who are sensitive to changes in tonality and pick up on slight variations in a person's voice. Certainly we are all a combination of these senses however the point is that typically 1 or 2 reps systems will be more dominant.

Thus, if you can actively engage your dominant reps system you can actually generate powerful change in how you experience a situation, memory and, yes, a thought.

Life is a journey; enjoy the unfolding.

How fast can you change a thought? - Ways to Enhance Your Personal Power

Have you ever noticed that most of our states of discomfort, displeasure or unease stem from thoughts of corresponding nature, or thoughts that generate these negative states?

When I commenced my journey of self-improvement, self-development and self-strengthening I discovered meditation, holistic healing and various modalities that are designed and intended to enhance our state of mind and thus quality of life. One of the teachers I came across was Byron Katie who pioneered a line of powerful inquiry aptly entitled The Work. Her work has helped millions of people worldwide overcome life's difficulties, tumultuous thoughts, and inner demons.

The reason I bring this up is because she, along with dozens of other empowering figures, Louise Hay for example, have harnessed the power of Self-Awareness by underscoring the notion that:

A thought is only a thought and it can be changed.

If the source of negative emotions, and thus a negative state of mind, is a corresponding thought, and a thought can be changed, then it makes sense to conclude that if we change thoughts to positive/empowering/uplifting/resourceful thoughts we will consequently experience a boosted state of being. 

Thus the question: 
How fast can you change a thought?

There are different factors involved in Thought-Creation and Thought-Change.
Thoughts that we think consistently and repeatedly become a personal mantra and take the shape of a Belief. Beliefs are potent as they shape identity, self-confidence and our map of the world.

Thoughts that are strongly held are suffused with emotion, and emotion that is interlinked with a belief and desire for action is a potent catalyst for change and taking action.

However, not all thoughts are consistently held nor do they all become beliefs.
Some thoughts are fleeting and ephemeral, emerging unexpectedly from random life situations.

Some thoughts generate a positive mood or state, while others can potential have the opposite effect. The latter can be conducive to generating unresourceful states such as fear,doubt, anger, frustration, etc.

The thoughts that combine emotion and consistent "airtime" assume MOMENTUM, and we know how that momentum goes - once you get started it takes a life of its own, and soon enough one thought trails behind the other and it grows exponentially.

This is great for the Positive ones, however not so much for the latter set.

So how do we change the set of thoughts we willingly and readily want to release?

There is no simple, easy or one single answer or technique. Everyone is different and experiences thoughts in different ways depending on the various intrinsic personality traits.

I would like to present and share a nifty NLP + Life Coaching Technique that I have applied in Coaching sessions and on myself which has resulted in great, desired results for the Client. 

It is through the use of SUBMODALITIES and METAPHOR COACHING.

Perhaps you can consider:
- How do you effectively shift unresourceful thoughts?
- What are your trick, tips and techniques?
- What is the main difference in the momentum between your positive thoughts and nnegative thoughts?
- If you could change one thought you think repeatedly that is not serving you, what would that be?
What would be its Counterpart (the opposite thought)?

Powerful questions generate powerful answers.


In NLP, Submodalities are referred to as representational systems or modalities; the Reps systems is basically the way we individually use the five basic senses: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory. Everyone has a more dominant use of certain reps systems. For instance, some people are more Kinesthetic which means they are more physical and absorb more experience through being involved in physical movement. If you are more visual you will be more impacted by the things you can see (perhaps you've heard the generalization that men are more visual?); some people are more auditory which is evident in musicians and people who are sensitive to changes in tonality and pick up on slight variations in a person's voice. Certainly we are all a combination of these senses however the point is that typically 1 or 2 reps systems will be more dominant.

Thus, if you can actively engage your dominant reps system you can actually generate powerful change in how you experience a situation, memory and, yes, a thought.

Life is a journey; enjoy the unfolding.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ready for Change, Not Ready for Change...Tip to Resolve Identity Conflict

What did I learn this week?

My week in review...

Looking back on this marvelous week I realize there are so many valuable learnings that I would otherwise miss if I did not take a moment to pause, reflect and consider the insights and moments that have possibly advanced me towards my goals, developed my character and enhanced the richness and quality of life.

What about you?
Perhaps you can take a moment to reflect on where you extracted the most value from these  days.

What made the biggest difference? What did you enjoy? Where did you evolve? Or where did you get stuck?

Often times it is in the moments of confusion and murkiness that we discover more clearly than ever what we want and who we really are.

As most of the time is spent at the office, the bulk of learning and evolution tends to arise from this area. There is key learning in interpersonal relations and specifically from the Coaching Sessions I conducted. Some of the lessons included:

  • The peace that comes from letting go of the past and focusing on the future;
  • Focusing on the Present, or the Now;
  • Shift from blaming others to assuming on more personal responsibility;
  • Embracing more self-confidence which improves work performance and self-esteem;
  • Development of new resources such as: Gratitude, self-care, and a broader perspective.

Identity Conflict

Internal Conflict when Changing Beliefs

As a person embarks on the path to self-development and self-improvement there are old beliefs about identity (those pesky limiting beliefs) that inevitably begin to change.

This change entails gaining more clarity about the kind of person you want to be and the life you want to lead. As you begin to generate new, more empowering resources and beliefs aligned with the desired outcomes, you gradually shed old notions of identity. Once you've successfully installed new, more resourceful beliefs the old ones no longer seem to fit - similar to a pair of shoes that you've outgrown.

However, even when a person is completely aligned to change there are moments when one undergoes moments of confusion and hesitation in shifting from the "old me" to the "new me".
This happen whereby the client is excited about instilling a new, empowering belief in identity and yet it means potentially shattering the expectations of others - the image that no longer serves her.

The external world, including family, friends, peers, etc. must update their map of who they perceive you to be, and change is not easy for everyone especially when they have been used to having you a certain way in their lives.

Everyone need not understand the the changes - it is called "personal" development as it is indeed a personal and private journey.


Overcome Fear about Identity Change

Tip: Simple Pros & Cons List

 - Take the new belief you want to grow into, or the thing you fear would result from the new belief. And state it in a simple straight-forward sentence. 
New Belief: I put myself first before all others. 
Fear Thought from New Belief: I am afraid of being arrogant or too selfish.

- Write out the Pros of embracing this new belief. Make the list complete and honest.

- Then write out the cons (on the other side of the Pros list) or perceived negative aspects of the new belief. In other words, what would happen if the Fear Thought were true.

- Take each Con and assess how realistic or true that Con is or could be. 
Talk through it and evaluate how you can employ your personal resources in that given situation. 

For instance, a perceived Con "I will hurt others if I put myself first and if I say 'No' when this works for me."

The Resource(s) you can identify to match this potential scenario include: Good Communicator, Diplomatic, amiable, respectful, tactful, fair, objective.
In other words, you have these empowering resources that can be applied perfectly in those situations that would require you to say 'No' or to choose what is best for you, and perhaps not to the other person's convenience. There are times in life when we all have to say 'No'.

This is where the qualities of being objective and fair and conscientious would comfort you in knowing that you can make balanced decisions from a place of fairness and consideration for the broader picture, and also bearing in mind that you are the center of your Universe and if you're not happy, the rest of your world will not fare much better.

When we feel happy about ourselves, we exude that joy and the rest of our life experience is infused with this positive hue.

- When you have finished going through the Cons List and feel satisfied you have matched it with enough positive Empowering Resources you've done the work!

The client (or you) should finish with a sense of ease, relief and enthusiasm, knowing that they can be happy and it is not to the detriment of the rest of the world.

It is not a zero-sum game; 
Life is win-win scenario and there are more than enough resources for everyone to thrive.

Thanks and wishing you peace, love and blessings xx- Jen

Monday, April 13, 2015

Supercharge Your Resources - NLP Process for Personal Power

I recently conducted a Life Coaching session which was great fun and which generated important insights for the Client. The Client experienced key personal realizations and discovered empowering resources that had been dormant inside of her.

There was valuable learning for both Client and Coach particularly on the subject of Personal Resources.
Life is a vast ocean of possibilities.

What is a Resource anyway?

  • A supply of something (such as money) that someone has and can use when it is needed; a place or thing that provides something useful. Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online 
  • "Anything that helps a person or group reach a desired state or transform a problem state," (NLP University Press).
  • A resource is a tool of sorts; your assets, strengths, capabilities.

We can consider resources as tools in the toolkit of self-awareness, identity and behavior. Resources influence beliefs, self-talk, attitudes, and behavior.Ultimately, a person's resources (tools) are the vital components used to find solutions, solve problems, and surpass the myriad of life's rollercoaster moments.  Having a clear understanding of our great internal resources can empower a person's sense of confidence and resourcefulness - an "I can do it" mindset.

Similarly, there may be resources you want to develop and strengthen as you know they are currently weak in yourself and which would be great assets in helping you achieve your goals. For instance, some resources people typically wish to improve upon include:
  • Being assertive
  • Self-Confident
  • Visionary
  • Effective communicator 
  • Punctual
  • Disciplined
  • Consistent
  • Flexible
  • Courageous
  • Committed
  • Spontaneous
  • And more...

Strengthening the Resources That Work For You

As the session progressed the Client identified some wonderful new resources she recently uncovered; of these new resources she chose 1 that was especially potent in improving her sense of self-appreciation, positive thinking and personal empowerment.
In order to further deepen and strengthen this wonderful new asset, we applied the Resource Supercharger Process (created by Robert Dilts), which is designed to embed this recently developed resource more richly for the person and thus ensure it can reliably support the person moving forward in life.
If this technique piques your interest, you can learn about the Resource Supercharger Process at: http://nlpuniversitypress.com/html3/R68.html.

The Resource Supercharger Process

Below I present a broad overview of the process and how it can yield potentially life-boosting results for the Client. We take Self-Compassion as a resource someone would like to enrich as it is integral to healthy self-esteem, well-being, and personal satisfaction.

The Process:

Starting in the present day, you identify the New Resource you want to strengthen and you fully associate with the emotions, actions and thoughts that stem from knowing you have this resource within you. Feel completely who and how you are possessing this resource.

Once done associating with it, you take 1 step forward into your imagined future. Over the time that passed leading to that future point, the resource has enhanced, strengthened and deepened further bringing you to the Future You with that life experience.

In this future, you experience the resource as having gotten stronger. You then imagine and associate with who you are in the future with this magnificent resource that strengthened over time.

For example, Self-Compassion having enriched over time leads to a Future You that is more assertive, confident and appreciative of self; you may value your time more, prioritize your happiness, and say "No" when appropriate in diplomatic, respectful ways.

You then step back into the Present and look over your future seeing how this resource influenced your behavior. In that Present moment, you then assume you have that deepened resource from the future actually in your Present. You then associate yourself fully with how you would live with this boosted resource Today. 

From the Present You to the Future You - You are helping yourself i.e. You have all the answers within already.

You then re-step into the future and in the Future You this resource has enriched even beyond what it strengthened in the first step - it is now supercharged!
You can associate fully in the Future You and how you would be assuming you have lived your life with this deepened resource.

In other words, you take the enhancement you experienced from the deepened resource in the first round, and then double it or even triple it in the second round. The point is to saturate yourself with the total absorption of having this resource in your self and life, and feel who you would be with that revved-up resource.

We finish by stepping back into the present and looking forward into the future to see how life will evolve now with this new knowledge and expanding resource.

This nicely highlights 2 valuable NLP Presuppositions: 

(i) we have all the resources within us already

(ii) no one is fixed or broken

In closing...

As the session came to a close it was clear that applying NLP techniques can generate tremendous clarity, satisfaction and awareness about how truly great we can be when we decide to focus on our strengths;
We stretch the boundaries of our unlimited potential;
We consider who we want to be, 
And we give ourselves the opportunity to imagine.

-Jen xx

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Balancing a Huge Appetite - Not having it all (right now) is good!

This morning I made a brief video on Having a Huge Appetite in Life (or For Life) following an insightful "Cheat Meal" this weekend. :-)

Huge Appetites in Life - Not having all right now is good too!

Basically, I was at Pain Quotidien and while I had been giddily prepared to enjoy a delightful, decadent, delicious Banana-Oatmeal Bar (i.e. cake), once I got there and witnessed the incredibly vast cornucopia of pastries I realized that I wanted to try more than one; in fact, I wanted to try all of them! Oh my.

There I was beholding all these magnificent, colorful, fun-looking treats, and it was the day that I could have it, soon to be followed by my workout. I felt a yearning to savor them all and yet I knew I would not and that this is not practical or beneficial from multiple perspectives.

I ended up just having the treat I had originally planned on and a mocha-coffee, which is another indulgence since it is sugary and containing dairy.

I have a strong feeling you've been there :-).

In that moment I felt like I had a huge appetite, and what I realized on a deeper level is that perhaps this also reflects a huge appetite in life; the desire to enjoy and savor the various delights that life has to offer. I didn't want to miss out, and I wanted to make full use of this 'window of opportunity'.

A Key Insight

The valuable learning that morning is that just as we can have a desire to eat many things in one go, we also ask for various great things in life and want them all to happen now, at the same time.

Sometimes it is better that we do not receive everything we think we want at once, because doing so would overload our system (i.e. Life).  You have personal experience with this already - just remember those times when it seemed that everything was happening to you at the same time - e.g. changing homes + career change + relationship changes, etc. It either all worked out simultaneously or "it all came crashing down".

Back to the buffet analogy...
Now imagine that you did indeed eat everything you wanted from that marvelous buffet without regard for moderation and temperance...what is the outcome? Overindulgence typically results in physical discomfort, indigestion, regret, lethargy and even confusion!

In the same way that eating everything at a buffet in one fell swoop would cause indigestion, internal blockage, and physical discomfort, having everything we want in life at the same time can generate "blockage" and resistance in our ability to absorb it and appreciate it all.

Just like our digestive system has a certain pace for nutrient absorption and digestion, our physical life experience aka 'system' has a certain rate at which it can feasibly absorb certain life experiences.

So as you stand before the buffet of life beholding all the things that you want to savor, which item(s) are already on your plate?

Are you too busy eyeing the desert, or the other dishes you aren't eating (not yet)?

Are you able to appreciate the robustness and inherent greatness of your already-in-your-hands juicy main course rather than thinking about the things you cannot have?

This brings us nicely to the wonderful notion of being fully present, mindfulness, living consciously, and choosing deliberately. Living in the Now.
When we choose to be more mindful, centered and focused on the task or opportunity at hand, we can more fully delight in it and feel more satisfied with what we do/can have instead of lamenting what is not.

Bear in mind also:  
We can have it all just not necessarily at the same time.

We can pace ourselves, we can gauge how we are doing and advancing along in life - you can assess where you are in your personal development and life journey. Sometimes we ask for things but we are not yet ready to receive them.

Be Ready & Timing

Readiness is required for everything that comes our way and that we want to experience. The digestive system primes itself to optimally absorb incoming food by releasing enzymes and gastric juices. Certain life experiences also necessitate that we be prepared in multiple ways: emotionally, financially, professionally, socially, time-wise and more.

If there are things you are wanting that have not yet materialized it might be because your overall life system is not primed for those changes. However, it can and will happen in the future because you can choose to make yourself ready by deciding what you want to add to your life and being cognizant of what these new additions will entail.

Just as we can offset eating an extra donut by eating light the remainder of the day, we are required to balance the scale of our life's parts so that all the parts fit harmoniously for the optimal life experience - as far as we can influence things.

Every person's journey is individual and thus it serves us not to compare against others. Some people have a higher metabolism, or they are taller, or have more muscle mass, etc. Everyone is walking their own path in their own unique way.

The value is in evaluating where you are personally and how you are doing; be honest with yourself about what you want and how much you're ready change the status quo.

Have you ever noticed that you immediately lose interest on the treats once you'd had more than your fill. Balance is key.

There may be in intangible wisdom to life's timing and when things happen.

We receive when we are ready to receive - and when it happens, that will be the 'right time'.

Peace xx -Jen
Huge Appetites in Life - Not having all right now is good too!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Timeline Legacy Process - Empower Your Decisions, Empower Yourself, Empower Your Life

Recap - This week's Self-Empowerment Videos:

Early this week I made a video introducing the notion of taking "The Path of Least Resistance" as a type of framework or Guiding Question you can ask yourself when you are making a decision or find yourself in a troublesome or challenging situation. As I finished that video I touched on the idea that decision-making becomes easier, more efficient and straightforward when we take stock of the broader context or circumstances that the decision will affect. Once you make a decision you then check the Ecology - you check if it is a realistic, viable and workable course of action given the practicalities and realities of daily life, existing commitments and the people in your life.

I then shot a follow-up video on making more powerful decisions by going through the Timeline Legacy Process, a Neuro-Linguistic Process, that is designed to help the person get clarity on where they see themselves in future years. You can do it yourself in the privacy of your home, and it may be easier and more powerful if you have a skilled NLP Life Coach who can take you through the process. 

Here it is in a nutshell:

Timeline Legacy Process - NLP Technique

You stand in a spot with enough space for you to take 4-6 steps forward (depending on the time increments you choose). You are facing the direction of your imagined future. You are standing in the current day (your 'today'). In other words, your future literally lies ahead of you.

  1. You take a step forward and place yourself 5 years into the future. You are 5 years older; what is your life like? What work are you doing? Who is in your life? Where are you living? How do you feel? What have you accomplished as you had wished?
  2. Take another step forward and imagine yourself 15 years in the future. You are 15 years into the future and you can ask yourself again what your life looks like, who you are with, what work you are doing or are you retired? What kind of an income do you have? Etc. 
  3. Take another step forward and see yourself 25yrs older. You can ask the same questions and gauge where you are emotionally, mentally, physically, professionally and spiritually.
  4. Finally, you will take a final step forward and this time you are moving into your post-death experience. This is after you have passed away and left your mark on the world.  
  5. Turn around and look back on your life. You can close your eyes (or not) as you mentally re-run the events of your life that you just experienced on your timeline. 
  6. What was your legacy? What was your contribution to the world? What mattered most? Which people mattered the most? What was the most important or valuable aspect(s) of your life experience? 
  7. From that whole life experience what message would you like to send back to yourself to the you that is living in the current day (the day you are doing this exercise)? Once you identify that message, send it back to the you in the present day. 
  8. Once you've sent the message you will walk back through your time i.e. going back in time. Ensure that you are taking steps back so that you are still facing your future yet walking backwards.
  9. Once you reach the current day (today) you will once again be standing in the original position facing your future. Now you will receive the valuable message that the future you sent to the current you. Close your eyes and receive this message.
  10. Once you are sure that your internal self has received and absorbed the message you can acknowledge this in a subtle way (rub hands together lightly, open your eyes, or nod your head) and you can continue with your day with this new knowledge you've received from the future.
 [Source: Thank you to Mindbridge NLP Trainings where I received my Life Coach and Master NLP Practitioner Certifications, and who taught me these modalities through their course materials and classes. It was an exceptional experience.]


Timeline (TL) Legacy Process - Elucidating Values

The Timeline process is designed to generate new ideas and clarity around the things that really matter to you in the long-term. This long-term perspective can help us identify, fine-tune and reconfirm our deeply-held values, or criteria. Values are the guiding stars of a person's behavior, attitudes and fundamental way of seeing the world. They serve as parameters for action (or inaction) and can certainly influence the meaning we ascribe to situations and experiences.

Since our Values shape our Identity, and our Identity is integral to a firm and secure sense of self, our confidence and place in the world (ego). 

Values and Identity are inextricably linked.

Thus, it is natural that we protect, defend and cherish our Values. We have seen this evidenced since the beginning of time when civilizations and individuals have defended their religion, independence, gender equality, racial non-discrimination, and suffrage (right to vote).

Living up to our Values reflects congruence, or internal alignment, generates more personal clarity, and reconfirms our identity (Who I am, What I do, What I believe). In other words, the world makes sense and you feel secure in your place in the world and life. Living your highest, deeply-held Values will ideally reflect you at your best and enable living the life you love.

Thus, supporting your Values with the corresponding actions, thoughts, ideas, people and situations will further boost levels of optimal living and personal satisfaction.

This is why congruence and internal alignment are key.

Once you've gone through the TL process and learned, discovered and/or reaffirmed your Values
you can better understand what really matters for you in your life; which activities, people and situations will benefit your overall happiness and reflect you at your best, and living optimally.

It allows you to live with more ease, wisdom and peace; You don't sweat the small stuff (and it's all small stuff?) and to envision Your bigger picture, the great things in store for you, and the amazing possibilities you can create for your future.

Thinking about the future can be frightening or intimidating to some of us, especially when you haven't thought this way before. Perhaps no one has asked you where you see yourself a few years down the line. Or you draw blanks when you try. Or you think that the Greater Powers of the Universe will decide how things play out and you don't have much say in the end.

Regardless of where you stand on this spectrum, going through the Timeline Process will definitely give you feedback you can work with; remember - there is no such thing as Failure only Feedback. You will have more self-awareness and once you begin the process you might find it exciting to discover that you can in fact design your future with your thoughts.

Have fun with it! Use your imagination and ask yourself some powerful, creative 'creation' questions:

- What would I like to see happen?
- You don't know the answer, but imagine if you did know, what would that be?
- If anything were possible what would you see happen?
- Where do you see yourself thriving the most?
- Do you know anyone who already has the life you respect or admire? Which qualities or aspects would you like to have in yours?
- What are you doing when you're at your best?
- Where do you see yourself most in love with life?

In Closing...

I hope you've found this beneficial and relevant. Life is fun, life is amazing, life is a miracle and we are all co-creators in this experience. There are such beautiful and magnificent possibilities before us if we can only envision them, imagine them and then see and feel ourselves attuned to those potentialities. We are only limited by our thinking (Zig Ziglar's Stinkin' Thinkin'); we are only limited by our imagination.

One of my next posts & videos will focus on another NLP process: Fun and Magic with the Reframe Technique.
Here is a taster...
Feeling Lonely? Let's Reframe that!
Comparing yourself to someone else/to others? Let's Reframe that!
Frustrated by your lack of progress? Let's reframe that!
Feeling stuck in a rut? Let's reframe that! 

Themes to explore: context of situations, all things being relative, things have meaning we choose to give them, and more.

Thanks and focus on empowering, resourceful thoughts. Life is a product of the quality of our thoughts.

-Jennifer (9 Apr 2015)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Path of Least Resistance - Video & Life Coaching

April 7, 2015:


Today's Video

On today's video of Path of Least Resistance (PLR) - http://youtu.be/YfYNsO_pf1k

I invite you to consider how it feels to ask yourself "What is the path of least resistance?" whenever we are faced with making a decision or in a situation that generates some blockage, challenge or resistance.

Once you've asked the question you can then identify how you want to feel as a result of the decision - What decision would make my life easier? What (would) make me feel better? What is the easiest course of action that will get me where I need to be? Shift my State to a more resourceful one.

Moving forward, I'd like to make a subsequent video focusing on how these decisions fit into the bigger scheme of your life. In Coaching this means "Checking Ecology" i.e. How the decision fits from a practical day-to-day perspective (how feasible is it in real  life) and also within the wider scheme of your life.

More often than not any decision you take will fit within a broader context. Here are some examples of typical situations:
  • Work Example - The bigger picture is one's overall, overarching career goals, work performance and personal happiness. How does the particular decision fit with your professional, career, self-development and financial goals?
    • Is the Path of Least Resistance to avoid and procrastinate a given project, and then eventually get stressed and rush to finish at the last minute? OR, is it to break the project down into parts and then gradually finishing in time with minimal stress?

  • Getting stuck in traffic - The bigger picture is you want to reach home safely, low stress, in good spirits, and have an enjoyable night. 
    • Assuming taking another route is not feasible, is the Path of Least Resistance to make peace with where you are and make the current conditions as enjoyable as possible? i.e. play fun music, listen to an audio book, call a friend or family member, think about what great things happened in your day and what you are grateful for

  • Relationship/Social - Someone (a friend, romantic partner, etc.) walks out of your life and despite your efforts it just didn't work out. Or perhaps there is someone who for whatever reason does not like you. 
    • The bigger picture is that you enjoy and want healthy, happy, harmonious relationships and you also value and appreciate yourself (Ask yourself if this is true for you. If does not feel true for you then there may be a deeper underlying Limiting Belief on your own value and worth). So then how does this situation and potential course of action fit into your overall aim of having happy, healthy and harmonious relationships?
    • Is the Least Resistance to just allow and accept this has happened? Or, is it to continue thinking over the issue wondering why it didn't work, where it went wrong and what you could've done differently, or if you should try further?

Sometimes the greatest difficulty is LETTING GO.

The course of action taken upon asking "What is the path of least resistance?" is intended to facilitate and help you come into better alignment and focus with the overarching goals you have in the given area of your life.

This brings up why it's valuable to have a longer view of one's own goals and overall priorities.
Because when we have clarity on our values, priorities and overarching personal/life objectives, we can better understand which decisions and actions while align and beneficially contribute to and support those overarching values, priorities and goals.

Why does this matter?

This matters because it reflects Congruence, Internal Alignment, and personal satisfaction for the life we are living and the way life is evolving.

Next Video Idea:
I'm really looking forward to creating a new video on Momentum & Why It Feels So Good.



I am so grateful for today's insightful and fun video on "The Path of Least Resistance" and that I  have contributed to my community in this manner.
I'm really happy with the way things are evolving.
I'm really enjoying the creation process, the self-expression and expansion; sharing overall, the thoughts, ideas, development. Contributing positively into this marvelous universe.

Want to boost your mood, raise your vibration and feel better? 
Make a list of your own Positive Aspects, a list of things you appreciate, like, love, enjoy and for which you are genuinely grateful. You can't go wrong once you get started with your own list of positive aspects. (Resource: Abraham Hicks)

The finisher - My Positive Aspects:

- I love vacation!
- I love the morning coffee feelzzz!
- I love calm, peaceful and joyful mornings - fresh
- I am exuberant
Take the easy way out.
My dream is coming alive bit by bit and it feels divine.