Do not run away,
do not be afraid.
When we escape we must always inevitably RETURN.
"Return to what", you may ask?
Return to what Is - This Moment, your life 'Now' - or what you're thinking and believing about it.
It's always going to be a moment...
moment to moment.
Present to present, presence to presence.
Awareness brightly lit.
Can you be still and breathe through this one very precious, special moment here and now?
Can we pause and breathe - and allow - the thought that just zoomed into your space of consciousness and awareness?
This is all that is happening ever.
It's always going to be 'this moment' whether here or there...anywhere, truly.
Allow it
Be in it.
Flow in it....
Breathe in it and be OK with what is
Be the love, choose the love, be the peace, choose Peace.
Consider some Positive, Helpful and Resourceful Thoughts to orient yourself in a more empowered direction:
"I can control my thinking right now.
I can control and choose what I think right now.
I choose to ...
I believe that ...
I think that...
No judgment, just 'is-ness' and being-ness."
Allowing! Letting the moment and situation "be" what you think it is in this space and snapshot in time and space.
It only exists in your thoughts. If you don't look, you don't see and it's not real.
It's always just this moment with different players, sights, visions and sounds.
The cryptic maya (illusion) and yet, even in this that there is a 'maya',
There is inherently a label, judgment, evaluation, assessment on existence being an illusion as opposed to non-illusion or Truth, or Wholeness, or Purity and Realness.
From God & Source & Your Inner Being:
"It can be Okay, my dear darling. What is right now is fine and acceptable.
I love you now and always
Let the love in. Don't block the flow.
'She's so nice', you ,may think.
'He was so nice and helpful,' you recall.
'She is so considerate',
'She is so thoughtful, considerate and gracious.'
'He is so attentive and knowledgeable - perfect timing. '
'I am so glad I am helpful and resourceful.'
These are just samples of the positive aspects you can highlight from whatever you have lived with today. Or replace the above with whatever has really happened for You.
Take note of all the good that has come your way today - did someone help? Are you breathing calmly? Can you walk at all? These are profound blessings.
Taking a moment to pause and breath and peacefully just let it Be, for a moment the tension and dissipates - and things feel better overall.
Amen. Amen. So be it.