Saturday, December 27, 2014

2014 in Review - WOW - Thanks, Facebook

Hey Gorgeous, Hey Handsome! 

Facebook generated this 2014 overview:

Looking it over, it's apparent 2014 was a year to develop and sow the seeds of RELATIONSHIPS, FRIENDSHIPS, FAITH AND SPIRITUALITY. There is certainly FITNESS overall as that is my main hobby...THank you, dearest loved ones, for being a part of this magnificent and joyous experience.
It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.

In 2015 what will I do? 
How will I focus?
What will I achieve?
How will I thrive, delight and inspire myself and others?

I will focus on LOVE, ease, wellbeing, taking it easy, and releasing resistance. I more aligned than ever to have and enjoy the physique of my dreams - a sexy, tone, lean, fit and healthy body which I enjoy with comfort, joy, convenience, satisfaction and total confidence.

I am no longer concerned with meeting the man of my dreams, because what I do know is that I am the woman of my dreams. If he lives in my dreams then how can he enter my physical reality?
Nah...The most important relationship is the one if have with GOD, Source Energy, myself and my Inner Being.

I care about how I feel, all is well and getting 'weller'. 
Things are always working out for me.
I am always at the right place at the perfect time.
I support and encourage myself; words of self-criticim and judgement are no longer part of my psyche and vocabulary.
Complaints are a thing of the past, and I am solutions oriented.

I smile a bright, full, genuine and gorgeous smile.
I believe in the best of myself and support my greatest possibilities. My subconscious is Infinite Intelligence and I feed it empowering, caring and kind messages that support attainment of my heart's desires. 
It's magnificent. I am a magician and intuitive being, I feel clairvoyant and wise beyond my years. 
I know my purpose in life, I know why I am on earth, and I totally appreciate this time-space reality to be myself and the fullest expression of God in my unique vessel and energy.

I fulfill my life purpose each day; I do what makes my heart sing.
I do what I love and I love what I do.
I am committed to my wellbeing and alignment, and that's just divine. 
I am loving the supportive friendships, situations and experiences that enter my reality continuously.
I am always surrounded by love.
I expect the very best and I always receive it. 
Thank you, God, for all that is.

-All my love,Jennifer Arcila

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Why High Expectations are Powerfully Good - Merry Christmas!

Good morning, beautiful world, beautiful life, 

- Beautiful Expectations - 

They say [who is they? ;-)] we should have low expectations to avoid being disappointed when a given situation, person or reality does not match up to our expectations.

However, I personally love having high expectations and to anticipate the best possible. It makes me feel grand, it reminds me of God's greatness, that there is abundance of possibilities and of my self-worth. It reminds me that I deserve the best I can imagine. If I can see it with my mind's eye, I can generate it in this time-space reality. I think Earl Nightingale was the first to state this in "The Strangest Secret." Listening to this text was the catalyst to transform and improve my life into a more magical, creative, powerful and fulfilling life experience [].

High expectations strikes me as striving for excellence, seeking to fulfill the great human potential which is already untapped as it is. It feels like aiming for the stars, being your greatest self and coming closer the fullest expression of God and the Universal greatness for generation and creation.

On this special day of gratitude, joy and love, I've been noticing several manifestations of high vibration. Just when you let go and let God, without controlling the circumstances can you experience the realization of a desired object.

It seems like sometimes, in some cases, the key is to let go, be easy with it and let the course of life take over. We don't have to oversee or manage all the elements, all the time, in all sectors of our life. We can only do our best and for me, I ask for the wisdom and accurate intuition to know when to take action and when to step back and take it easy.

Here is an NLP Exercise for you:

Take a look back on your daily life experience. Begin to take stock of all the moments when you have been pleasantly surprised, when you have received something nice that you weren't expecting, or you were expecting X and it manifested even better than you anticipated.  For instance, you turn the faucet and water gushes out, or you put the key in the car ignition and the car purrs awake, or you turn the stove on and soon enough you're cooking up a meal. Countless things in our daily life that easily work; without thinking much or at all, you expected something (through habit) and received it immediately.  We just forget this happens.

The power of this exercise lies in amplying this expectation to other moments when you expected something - perhaps a successful meeting, a party you would enjoy, or a meal with friends you'd delight in, or a trip home to see your family - these are on a larger scale and there is also a positive expectation it would/will happen.

Take it one step further and extend the expectation, possibly to reaping more financial abundance,  love-filled relationships and friendships, better feelings more of the time.

Put all these moments, memories and future visualizations into a glass container.
The container started out small and as you raised the level of experiences and expectations the container perforce expanded, grew taller, wider and more robust. 

Notice how this magically robust container is now overflowing, its contents diverse and widespread, touching on all 5 senses and the spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, professional, romantic, relational, educational, etc.

This is your container. Notice how all these expectations have built on each other and are synergistic, swirling in this amazing, sturdy and ever expanding vessel. A veritable forcefield.

Consider how all these expectations are REAL and authentic; they have really happened. Don't they remind you that you have always received more than you expected?
And doesn't it indicate it will continue to be so? You have not conscientiously applied yourself to create these moments and yet they have always been the case. Let your subconscious appreciate this.

There is more momentum in this growing vessel; a life of its own, guided by universal forces and energy.

It must be so.

Keep adding to your vessel, notice what is happening right now in your life - everything that's going right - that is part of your mega container.

Augment the expectations and they, too, will join this attractive and powerful forcefield.

Consider how your life would be different moving forward if you continue to raise your expectations, knowing that you do indeed get what you expect?

Sky's the limit.

Happy Holidays!!! Peace & Blessings xx
i love you all <3
God bless xoxo

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Divine Unfolding - poem by J.Arcila (22/12/14)


by J.Arcila

It's a brand new day, a brilliant, amazing, spectacular day. 
Taking a breath - a resounding inhale - that's all I need to give thanks,
Thank you, God, for this new start and the night that came before,
Every sunrise is preceded by a darkness.
I love that darkness too, for in that space
I regenerate, recover, renew and reset my mind, body and soul.
is splendid, glorious and divine.
What makes it all go round?
A never-ending path of inquiry and oh my, what a miracle we can even ask!
and for a pause, it's utterly profound,
the meaning of life...this moment, and knowing there is choice
and let yourself flow with the rhythms of time,
along the current of this love-filled universe.

The moonlit darkness, and even in this New Moon phase,

Who made all of this? Who chose these natural qualities of the world?

In this innocent wonder-filled amazement time disintegrates

Power to Choose

Power to Choose a thought and let it flow,

So divine.

Sri Lanka - April 2014 - Kumari, the glorious elephant.

Sri Lanka - Apr 2014

Sri Lanka April 2014 - At the hotel before dinner. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hello, Clarity

Good morning!

I love myself, I trust myself.
I have all the answers within me, all I need to know if revealed to me in perfect time.

The universe is wise and supportive; she is providing clear answers to my questions. She is allowing; she is wisely available.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Why be Strong - A New Poem: Piercing the Darkness

Good morning! It was a beautiful and magnificent night of sleep and now today, this moment, is a new beginning and fresh start. Thank you, God.

A new new belief system. Enjoy xx

Piercing the Darkness - 

Poem by J.Arcila (10 Dec 2014)

A divine moment begins,
the sun's light pierces through the alley drawn those two drowsy buildings,
A new alignment.
My community greets me and we are one,
We can set the tone, we can choose our filter,

I put on my dancing shoes and ready myself for fun,
What a delightful start; I'm giddy with anticipation.
I love who I love and this love expands

To be clear-minded, to allow,
to take it easy...and go with the flow,
That zing of inspiration flutters awake in my soul,
Like a bird in Central Park at dawn boldly shaking off bits and pieces of frost.

Lady Phoenix spreads her wings, she's been growing strong
She has new keys to soon-to-be-discovered doors
To paradise.

Paradise blossoms through the portal of the internal lens,
A focal point directed from and towards my heart.
Divine inspiration, divine allowing,
insightful growth and expansion,
being all that I can be, the Greatness that I Am.

It has always been there, now having shed its layers
ironically blooming in this nascent Winter
It's magnificent to anticipate how Lady Phoenix will evolve
into the fruitful Spring, through the salubrious Summer, and
further still through subsequent seasons,
rising higher still,
piercing the darkness to reveal an eternal truth

A Truth revealed from within to without, forevermore,
Like the Sun's brilliance - shining because it must.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Always the right time to be Thankful

I wrote this email draft (below) to myself back in June 2014 and as I've cleaned up my inbox recently I came across this gem. It seems like I wrote in a moment of deeply felt inspiration and joy. Now I'm bringing it to the light of day :-). It's always the right moment to be thankful and it always feels good.

Working with NLP and Coaching I've learned about the power of language and to be aware of Meta Model language violations with terms like: Always, never, all and everyone.

However, rules have exceptions and this is one of them :) Gratitude will always make you feel better and improve your outlook on life.
Love you all,

Written between June 8-15, 2014

Dear God,

Thank you so very much for absolutely everything! THank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you so much for our wellness time, thank you for my lovely friends at work, and outside of work;
Thank you for this delicious tea, thank you for my flexible, strong and beautiful, sexy body;
Thank you for my mother, father and brother; thank you for my family and their support and love;
I'm so grateful for the fresh air, the safety of living in Dubai
The beautiful apartment in which I live
thank you for all the money and abundance in my life!
Thank you for my parents and brother in good health;
thank you for all my wonderful ideas and creativity.
Thank you for the delicious food I have at my disposal at ALL times; thank you for the interesting, enjoyable and fun conversations I have with my colleagues and friends. Thank you, so, so, so much!
Thank you for the SMILESSS :-) I love smiles and hellos and good mornings :)
Thank you for my amazing JOB, thx for my wonderful, awesome BOSS
Thanks for my computer at home and at work - thanks for my seat in this spacious and well-ventilated office.
Thx for my privacy and calm seating here where I am - I can focus and also observe the hallway activity if i want.
Thx u for my bed, AC, kitchen, bathroom, running water; drinking water, coffee, my decent and respectful neighbors.
Thank you for my location living in Dubai and my neighborhood Dubai Marina.
Thank you for the opportunity to meditate, to have time to myself; time to be at peace, thanks for my peace of mind.
Thanks for my decent and respectful boss - my wonderful understanding colleagues;
Thank you for the interesting, enlightening, fun and exciting times and experiences I've had with each one of my past Boyfriends - those experiences have all expanded my self-awareness, self-knowledge, and understanding - it is more life experience.
Thank you for all the wonderful, loving, affectionate, thoughtful and sweet kind men and guys I've met and known - there are wonderful examples of good, upright, reliable and loyal, caring men - so, so wonderful.

Thank you for my creativity - and for my ability to ask.
I don't need to know HOW - just need to have FAITH.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Rampage of Intention for Today - This Journey Begins

Dear God,

Good morning!
Thank you for this magnificent new day.
Thank you for the blessing of this new beginning and fresh start.
Thank you for these past days of learning, alignment and expansion.

My intention for today is to RDV with like-minded people and friends; to be in my joyful alignment, to care about how I feel and to feel good.
It is my intention to be aware, compassionate and fully self-loving.

I have boundless energy, optimism and presence. I am calm, I am centered, I am in control of my internal state.

I allow my subconscious to absorb all the beneficial messages, words, and people that permeate my experience to contribute to my greater good and overall well-being.

I allow my subconscious to notice the patterns of the day's movements that contribute to painting a more beautiful picture of life and my experience.

Always on time, my timing is perfect; pure positive energy surrounds me.
I can't get it wrong...I feel awesome most of the time and it's alright; all is well. I'm doing well and getting "weller".

I am centered and even when I am off alignment it is temporary and I am shortly back in the center, delighting in my life and loving this experience. Things are coming into place and there are even greater opportunities coming my way.

Each day is an experience of attracting and experiencing love, fun,  joy, satisfaction and delight.
I support my development and growth, and I encourage the growth and support of others.

I trust my inner being and follow my intuition; I have a powerful intuition and it is always guiding my steps in a wise and beneficial manner.
Today I have more than enough energy to carry out all the activities that Source inspires in me.
Today I take inspired action and I take deep breaths to calm my system.
Today I will deepen my understanding and skill of NLP in Coaching applications to generate beneficial outcomes for my clients.
Today I take my business development further and I love the feeling of harnessing my power.

Today it is my intention to focus on the strengths of being, appreciate them, to trust I already have all the knowledge, tools, wisdom and skill to advance my NLP Coaching to the highest potential level for today, and tomorrow I will rise even higher, and then higher still the day after, and even higher thereafter.

I intend to live happily ever after; to feel belonging to this community, to accept myself internally and externally. And to allow this self acceptance to permeate every millisecond of the day because each moment becomes brighter and more joyful.

I want to spend all my time with like-minded uplifters, lovers of inspired action, self-improvement, self-awareness, growth, life appreciation, contribution to our community and a love for love.

I acknowledge any limiting beliefs and I know that they are already dissipating because it is a belief  that can be changed forevermore.

An NLP Metaphor for Transformation:
A majestic phoenix rising into the brilliant dancing sunshine, piercing through the heart of darkness to reveal the truth.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Today I Write - Intention on 21 Nov 2014

Dear God,
A Poem for today:

My Heart Sings
Today I want to write because my heart sings in joy.
Today I write because my fingers and my thoughts are engaging in this verbal tango.
An emotional spiral of ideas, a flurry of expressions, and series of previously-unspoken potential - now manifested.
I write now right now because I can; I've done it before and I loved it.

8:16AM on 21/11/14
Just had a delicious nutritious breakfast, listening to Abraham Hicks, and I'm ready to set my intention.
I intend to focus on my alignment and care about how I feel; I am the creator of my own reality.
I choose my 'high-flying disc' and I intend to focus on feelings of joy.
Today and tomorrow I have the amazing opportunity to learn, develop my Coaching and NLP skills; to deepen and expand my awareness. Thank you, God, for this amazing gift.

I intend to notice the small acts of kindness, the smiles, all the favors along the way; the bliss of receiving far beyond my expectations.
I delightfully anticipate RDV'ing with like-minded people who are also high-flyers, lovers of life, who can inspire me and with whom to share ideas.
I love connection.
I choose the path of least resistance; to go with the flow; to trust my intuition...To channel any emotion into applicable information and data; there is no failure, only feedback.

There are so many valuable insights that I am ready to perceive and receive. There are so many wonderful experiences and delightful situations waiting in my vibrational reality - in my Vortex a la Abraham Hicks.

Education is wealth.
Health is wealth.
Love is wealth.
Joy is wealth.
Peace of mind and healthy mental functioning is wealth.

Dearest friends, family and lover,
If we consider these beautiful notions then we comprehend just how blessed and wealthy we really are.

We are only limited by our beliefs and mental Maps of the world. Our thoughts shape and define the world we perceive;

Quality thoughts = Quality Life

Thank you in advance for the wonderful soulful lover and life companion entering my life soon enough. 

Thank you for the amazing, strong and resilient woman I am and becoming more and more still.

You know what I really enjoy? Newness! Expanding my awareness and learning more to increase my appreciation for life. I love when I effectively uplift myself and subsequently hold enough self-empowerment to uplift others. 

Our life and reality is a like a Cruise along the Atlantic, traversing the Globe. We are all in this vessel together riding the crests of waves, and peacefully cruising through the calm waters; sleeping through the darkness of nights and thriving in the resplendence of sunshine. There are moments to celebrate and then there are the calm, routine elements of the cruise experience. All along our cruise we stop in different ports and harbors, meet new folks, buy new knickknacks and then we're ready to go back on board. That's how each day is - unloading at the port and having a new exposure on the meta-journey. 

And all along our Cruise vessel is the permanent, floating atop the majestic strength of Mother Earth. Some elements of the unknown future and some excitement. Ups and downs, and all along the beautiful constancy of your inner self on the journey.

I'm really looking forward to our next harbor stop - it is so much fun! :-)

Love you all, God bless xx

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dear God, Thank you

Wed 12 Nov 2014

Dear God,

I want to take the time to thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much from the wholeness of my heart and soul for all the blessings that you are gifting me here and now.

Thank you so much because you have helped me to overcome old heartbreak and healed my heart completely. I feel so good today, here and now, living in the light. Thank you because I have really moved on and have come to embrace the fullness of me, who I am and the deep, eternal love you have for me and that I have found bit by bit for myself. I've been improving on a daily basis and this self-love helps me be a better friend, colleague, daughter, sister, Coach, and contributing member to our global community. Love is #1 and love starts from within.

Truly, love is all we need. The love from within.

It's been a long journey; an interesting, spiritual, soulful and uplifting experience. It's been 2 years since the completion of that relationship experience and I've entered new territory in my self development and evolution.

I pray for my friends and others going through their own journey to self-discovery and self-love. That they, too, find sooner or later, the core of love within themselves rather than projecting it onto an external party, the lover, the desired other. I pray that my friends find peace too, because peace is the relief we seek.

It feels great to be in love in a mutually reciprocating dynamic. It feels the best when you love yourself so, so much that your happiness does not depend or stem on anyone else. That is amazing and that is power. That is the blessing and God's gift.

Thank you for helping me and guiding me, for holding my hand, to overcome depression, anorexia, humble beginnings and the pangs of loneliness. Thank you for always being with me, the constant source of my resilience and tenacity.

It is really such a BLESSING and breath of fresh air for my soul to feel free of suffering, free of the self-imposed pain of perceived rejection and non-reciprocated love.
I am grateful for where I am today...It's been through God's grace and strength that I have my current strength and grace. Peace. Peace of mind is invaluable. It is worth diamonds, rubies and the most precious stones on earth.

Peace of mind. Yes!

Thank you, God, for the beautiful music you've created through majestic composers of classical music.
Thank you, for the beautiful birds and butterflies; the fun, belly-hurting, joyous laughs shared with friends and family.
Thank you for the magic and sacredness of morningtime, its fresh air, undisturbed silence, quiet, newness, the opportunity to start again and give it your very best. To co-create and have fun; to live a new day.

Thank you for my fabulous job where I am appreciated and cared for.

God, thank you for taking care of me always. Together we have traveled to so many distant lands and you've always brought me back in one piece with more magnificent memories, souvenirs and enriching experiences.
Thank you for the financial abundance I experience on a daily basis, and which multiplies continuously. Thank you for your protection; for my home, for my adoring family, and the loving, caring beings with whom I share my life experience.

Thank you for my vibrant and healthy, strong body. You have really gifted me with a remarkable vessel that takes me to an infinity of places and it performs amazing feats. I am truly blessed.

Thank you for the health of my organs, muscles, cells, ligaments, all the elements of my being; my body is such a wise entity it is astounding. It contains an unfathomable vastness of wisdom and knowledge...It does everything, it is a universe unto itself. WOW.

I am happy where I am and eager for more. Eager for more joy, more self-love, more peace, more passion, more focus on my life purpose; I am eager to feel my power and step into my self fully. I am eager to be more creative, more confident, wiser.To be who I really am in all of your greatness and to manifest the very best of myself to the world to bring greater good and positivity to all our surroundings and global community. And so that I thrive and delight in my earth experience.

I want to be my fullest self as the fullest expression of YOU.
There are so many possibilities and exciting experiences in my life being created each second. Many loves, more abundance, more success, more clarity, and a singular fabulous life-mate you have custom-designed for me :-).

I am SO excited to continue evolving, improving, feeling more of your peace and LOVE.

Just being awesome. I am awesome, life is awesome. I am so loved and appreciated.  Thank you for taking care of me, and for helping me control my thoughts.

The world and life we live is a result of our thoughts.
Quality Thoughts, Quality Life.
I love you! :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Pros & Cons of Thinking

Harnessing Thought to Strengthen Us

Happy Sunday! It's not just any Sunday or any regular day. It's TODAY :-) If you know what I mean. Every day is a new beginning.

After 2 days of training I'm taking needed rest and usually this means I replace gymming with going to the pool and lazing in the sun for 15 minutes, the minimum amount of sun exposure required to activate melanin and stimulate 'tanning'. I just love relaxing under the warm, early sun's rays. I read somewhere that the sun's rays before 10am or 12pm are healthy and beneficial. In any case, I really enjoy the ease, comfort and physical pleasure of just laying there and not doing anything while trying to do something - tan. An amusing oxymoron (when are oxymorons not amusing? :-)).
I love it; it makes me feel so grateful that the building comes equipped with a pool and it's accessible in the morning. What a magnificent blessing! Sometimes I swim a few laps if I can disregard the fact that continued exposure to the chlorinated water will diminish the Keratin treatment I purchased to ensure smooth hair.

In life there's always a give and take...I can enjoy smooth, straight and hassle-free hair at the expense of not frolicking in the ocean. Give and take i.e. Compromise. The "work" is never done. We desire and aspire for a given thing and then once achieved it will give rise to some other desired thing or situation. Constant waves of wanting where our appetite is never fully satiated. This seems like a natural dynamic of life, unless you are monk or nun where you surrender desire and devote your life to clearing your mind, meditation, enlightenment and relinquishing control.

A life of enlightenment sounds beautiful and divine and I feel we can be on the journey of increasing enlightenment even in our current modern urban lives. Living in a monastery is not essential. It comes down to being present, questioning your thoughts and setting the intention to begin your own personal journey of enlightenment. Expressing to yourself and to the Universe that you invite becoming more enlightened through life's experiences.

For us living in modern society exposed to the rhythms of urban life, work pressure, family, social engagements, there is a reliable and predictable flow to desire and fulfillment. Once you have what you wanted it spurs new buds of wanting, new ideas, new expectations. You can view it as new problems, or new opportunities and possibilities. It can also simply be regarded as the Next Step. That which follows from the preceding stage or level. And we can count on it - it must be and it will be, 10 times out of 10 once we have what we wanted there is something new to have. And if it doesn't naturally arise then we create goals. This is the human way.

All of this isn't good or bad. It simply is what is...Everything existing serves a purpose and has some benefit in our lives. It just comes down to how we personally experience a given dynamic.

Sometimes we receive what we thought we wanted and yet when it's tangible it does not live up to our grandiose, picturesque expectations. Somehow our marvelous imagination painted a picture far more extraordinary than reality renders. Less exciting than we imagined. On the other hand, many times it is exactly all we imagined and so much better! Sometimes God/the Universe wants to grant us blessings that are far greater than we could have conceived with our limited human thinking capacity. In both cases feeling gratitude makes us appreciate whatever we receive regardless of our judgment about it.

There's a wondrous beauty and thrill in that too because it means that life experiences once traversed never leave you lacking or bored...there will be a new beginning and a new vision for our future self. This keeps life spicy, intriguing, engaging and mysterious. 

This is where the power of thinking and thoughts comes into play.

Is it true? Byron Katie

Since discovering the work of Byron Katie, "The Work" (, two weeks ago it has really revolutionized the way I approach stressful situations. The main tenet is that we experience suffering because of the types of thoughts we are thinking. Asking the 4 simple questions helps to view a situation from a new perspective and realize what is really going on:

  1. Is it True?
  2. Can you absolutely know it is true?
  3. How do you react and feel when you think that thought?
  4. Who would you be without that thought?
Her work is incredibly transformative. She has worksheets available at her page free to download and dozens, if not hundreds, of YouTube videos that walk people through real-life painful situations using the self-inquiry method. I love having discovered it.

Thoughts are powerful tools and every single thing we live in life is a construct of our thinking.
Just take any given stress-inducing scenario and ask yourself: Is it true? Can you be absolutely sure it is true?

If you take a moment to pause and reflect on it, you will find that it's not true. That troubling thought about a situation or person is not factual truth but rather a feeling, emotion and/or assumption.

I've done this self-inquiry process on 3 separate situations and each time I come away with remarkable personal breakthroughs. Each time in the privacy of my home and each one taking 40 minutes to work through. This process helps me suss out my ego and grasp it enough to understand, "Hey, what I thought was real is not real. I just made that up and in fact that is how I feel about myself...etc."

It illuminates my real insecurities, what is really underlying the problem and it hits the core of my self-doubts, criticisms and judgments. For instance, I've uncovered elements of insecurity, grappling with self-love at times, and body image issues. Since beginning this process I've come away with new insights and strengths.

I've been able to realize that I want to support myself fully, that my body is incredibly wise and loving, that I will have myself and that we can never really live up to others expectations. Gaining your sense of worth from others feedback is shaky ground. How can we humanly please everyone? Everyone wants something different; it's impossible.

Lesson: please yourself, live your life, be true to your self, make yourself happy & enjoy life.

So in this sense, we can ultimately use our thoughts and analysis to perform The Work to help lift us higher and out of the doldrums.
Depicting the Doldrums in "The Phantom Tollbooth," one of my favorite children's books.

Chiang Mai, Thailand_August 2014 - Reaching a national park with a striking limestone waterfall, pictured below. Darkness in the past can be overcome with constant self-appreciation, self-awareness, and tapping into nature. You can always overcome, you can be happier still...Even from the darkest of nights, you can rise higher than you ever imagined, and higher still. It's a beautiful miracle.
Chiang Mai, Thailand - Limestone waterfall. Aug 2014.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Journey of Learning to Love Myself - Short & Sweet notes - Sept 2013-March 2014

Friday Sept. 13, 2013:

Universal principle for today: 
"The events in my life reflect who I am."
- Whatever catches my attention is trying to tell me something.
- Overheard conversation catches my attention - I'll take the words as a personal message from the Universe.
- I want to find the world that is inside me.

Sat. Sept. 14, 2013

"The people in my life reflect aspects of myself"
- Friends and family serve as a group picture of me.
- Each stands for a quality I want to see in myself or want to reject, yet in reality, I am the whole picture.
- I gain most knowledge from those I intensely love and dislike.
- One reflects my highest aspirations. The other my deepest fears.

Sept. 19, 2013 - Coincidences

- Marcus Smith and Holly on Inner Fight podcast last night, and earlier in the day I researched MS and found out his wife's name!
- Yesterday I read about different astrological historical patterns, and now today Elliott Hulse talks about past traditions and different ways of raising families, different family prototypes.

Sept. 20, 2013

Last night clubbing with my friend I met a guy is also a traveler and freedom-loving person like me. 
We are probably attracting those most like us.

Sunday Sept. 22, 2013 - All these coincidences 

Thank you so much for all the ways the Universe works. Today I'll pay attention to the coincidences. Nothing is random. Everything has a purpose.

Sept. 23, 2014

Thank you so much already, so lucky + happy!!! Yahoooo... :-) <3

Sept. 26, 2014

My life is amazing. I desire to fully follow my path filled with joy, love, wisdom and health. I am always prosperous. I am always growing and tapping into my fullest highest potential. I want to express my creativity every day!

Tue. Oct. 15, 2013 - Such a marvelous, magnificent & magical day.

Things I love: My family <3
1- Sleeping deeply and fully to awaken refreshed
2- Spending time with friends
3- Nature, animals - their beauty - I really love it all.
4- my iPad
5- YouTube
6- My very healthy and loaded bank accounts!
7- Seeing new movies @Cinema - what a treat!
8- Fun music
9- Love to laugh!
10- I love and adore exercise
11- I love the way the cute guy at the gym makes me feel - I feel excitement, attraction, curiosity, sensuality, desire + passion & HOPE
I love the feelings he evokes in my inner self and I intend to channel these feelings and go general as it is the same excitement and vigor of love I have with my future BF and life partner.
I love the feeling! Yay! <3

Sometime between Oct 15 & Dec 13, 2013...

I want to hang out, have fun and love all with my heart & soul this blessed week! And then always :-)

Dec. 13, 2013 - Goat cheese, 1 tsp = 7g

Jan 25, 2014 - Thank you 4 the food - amazingly delicious!

Feb. 7, 2014 - The woman's cycle & Exercise

Day 1 to Days 14/15: Hi-intensity exercise most beneficial; Lo-Carb diet; Less amino acids.
Day 14- end Month: Longer, slower aerobic exercise; less weight-training.
As per expert: Stacy Sims

Feb/Mar 2014 - Knowledge is one thing. Application of it is another.

March 12, 2014

I love who I am. I approve of myself. 
My life is full of love & wellbeing + I attract even greater, more magnificent, jovial love towards me. Thank you, God!
I deserve love in all its glory and splendor & I receive it constantly. I love this feeling of being loved and cherished.

March 13, 2014 - Dear Jen, Good morning!

You deserve all the love, well-being, abundance this time-space reality can offer and it's all yours! :-) 
Live a lot & love deeply.
Believe in yourself :-)

December 2013 - Mom visits Dubai. God's gift to us :)

March 2014 - Love is with me :-) Yay

Pool morning, rest day. Sunshine :-) Win!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Notes from Recent Travels - Bali & Thailand, August 2014

Wed. Aug 13, 2014 - Best Western, Kuta Beach

Final day in Bali before flying out to Thailand. I'm so grateful and thankful to life for the opportunity to be in this country. To have the means, health, and all resources, and freedom to travel, explore, experience. Dedicated time to and for myself.

It feels so nice, I love being close to nature. I love seeing the tall, arching trees outside my bedroom window. I love smelling the fresh spices and drinking freshly-made coffee while overlooking the coffee plantation whilst under the warming sun's glow.
I love smelling the dew from the damp trees, leaves and shrubbery. I love hearing the bird's crowing-n-crawing, the wind fluttering thru the leaves. It feels so wonderful to behold all of this majestic beauty with a smiling face, a loving, friendly warm loving embrace; a deep loving kiss to bid you Good Morning and Bon Appetit.
I'm really looking forward to sharing this beauty with my family and friends in the future.


Aug. 21, 2014 - "Back in Dubai"

Random Lessons/Learnings (having returned from vacation and not necessarily what I learned from my travels):

  1. As a lady, never give a man money because he's unable to support himself. If he can't manage himself how can he take care of you???
      • Since I had written the above I slightly moderated my emotion around this statement. Not that I  had done this myself recently; I had simply noticed this dynamic in some women close to me and it seemed to not produce positive results in the relationship.

  2.  Take the stairs whenever possible i.e. You will burn more calories and engage more muscle fibers as compared to taking the elevator. Little steps and small changes performed on a repeated basis add up.
  3. Walk each time after eating - even if it's a short 10-15 minute stroll, it will feel pleasant and make me feel good that food energy is being shuttled into the muscles and cells required for energy and activity.
  4. I am Master of my time.
  5. Note: I visited a Tarot Card Reader in Thailand and the following was one of his visions: Save 50% of earning and spend the rest. Then at age 30-32yr invest 20% of earnings into property.
  6. Meditate every day.
  7. Don't think too much - or at least all the time. :)
  8. You are - I am - already in possession, in all my energy form, of all that my heart desires.I just have to let it be and allow it to flow into my life with ease, comfort, faith and conviction.


 Sat. Aug. 23, 2014

Good morning! I feel closer to Abraham and God, my inner voice & my inner being. 
I love nature, the darting birds, the beautiful, healthy, natural, easy, flexible plants, shrubs and trees; the chirping birds, the blowing wind, the smell of Marina water. The warming, peeking uprising sun! The nature walk, fellow walkers & the smooth, patterned water surface glistening in the sun's glow. 
A shimmer and sparkle covering, blanketing the entire surface from here to infinity.


Sunday Aug. 24, 2014 - "Hello & Thank you!"

Learning: I don't need as much food as I think I do! Moderation & my feelings - Listen to myself, my body, my sense (common sense).

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

An "Aha" Moment - Relationships of Dependency - Covering Yourself Up with Another

I had huge realization today. An "aha" moment of sorts.

Sometimes some people get into certain relationships that are fundamentally unhealthy, unstable and insecure. They try and stick it out, sometimes lasting through children and marriage, or not, despite the gnawing sensation in their soul that it really shouldn't be this way; that the relationship really didn't go down the happy way - that deep down, something is "off". We choose to ignore that voice, however, because of a diehard attitude to keep going, to work hard, to make it work and persevere.

Where we get this mindset? Well, it usually comes from early life experiences and parental dynamics. Whole other topic.

Back to the relationship itself:
An insecure person with low-self esteem can end up matching themselves with someone who is equally unstable and insecure (albeit in a different manifestation) which makes them feel comfortable, safe, and less inadequate because they have a familiar reflection of themselves in the other.

In what way?

Well, choosing someone else who is actually deep-down insecure in some respect, unstable and needing help allows the partner who is the helper (usually low self-esteem person) to step in and be 'useful', helpful and needed in someone's life.

They think subconsciously, "He needs me and thus I feel useful..."
It starts with an inner feeling of not being enough, needing to please others and even that enigmatic low self esteem.

This can lead the person to link with another who needs to be helped somehow. Perhaps they don't have body image issues but they do have financial constraints, family problems or work difficulties.

As they connect they each fulfill each others needs: One person is needing some type of support and the other is wanting to provide it. They are both insecure in some respect. In providing a support that only they can offer, they immediately feel there is a unique bonding and connection. Usually the other party will place themselves first and you come second, as you have already an unspoken agreement that they need more 'help' and that you are the provider/helper in the relationship.

It's complicated to explain but the most valuable thing is that I "get it."  I finally got it. Finally.

Once upon a time, we were together to cover up each other's inadequacies, insecurities and dependencies.

I was with someone whom I chose out of feeling inferior, low in self-love, not loving or appreciating my body...Feeling like I had to please to be loved, that I had to prove myself and be useful in order to be loved by a handsome man.

If we are with someone who is not fully living their greatest self and banging abound in instability and uncertainty it makes us (the also insecure, low self esteem person who needs to gratify) feel 'safer' from criticism because someone who is 'less' than us cannot eventually judge or criticize us. After all, they are a relfection of what we feel inside about ourselves. A facade of strength and beauty with a weak core of uncertainty, confusion and chaos.

Instead of treating myself like a QUEEN, I was treating myself like the help - a Servant to my King.
What a bizarre self-initiated, self-imposed, self-inflicted dynamic.

No! - Today I reclaim my power and I declare that I AM IN CHARGE of my LOVE.
I AM the Queen, 
I AM the Princess
I AM the Goddess
I AM the DIVINE WOMAN of his dreams.
I AM Special and I AM Precious
I AM to be loved and supported by my man, not the other way around. 

Today the question is: 
Who am I with? Who am I ready to allow and embrace into my life?

A man who is lagging and weak here or there in some respects?

No, I have my answer already:

He is the man who is fully present, complete and totally with it. He is with me and for me, by my side no matter what. He doesn't need to ask me for any favors - he takes care of his own self, business and takes care of me as his Queen.
He is Victor and he has his answers; he handles things effectively and decisively.
He is the strong, successful, adoring, loving, trustworthy, loyal, faithful and confident passionate man who will raise me to the highest pedestal in his life.
He needs no favors from me, not now and not ever.
He's in control of his life as am I in control of mine.
I need not provide for him...I provide for me, and he provides for us.

I no longer need to clothe myself with the rags and shabby quilt of a fake love built on insecurity and low self-esteem. I've cleared the mud from my eyes and see crystal clear.

Ultimately, there is no value in being the 'savior' of someone who has revealed a vulnerability when in fact they are fully capable of empowering themselves and taking control of their lives. No one needs to handicap a completely healthy and capable person. This type of co-dependence breeds greater dependency, neediness, feeds the insecurity and validates the self in an unhealthy fashion based entirely on how much you can serve the other whilst placing yourself second in your life.

I look forward and am really excited to welcome the ready-made, complete man that will enter my life soon and become my soul mate. He has his answers, he knows what to do and he's strong. Just like me.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dai Pui Mountain Village Visit - Chiang Mai: "Good Morning, beautiful!!!" (Post of 16/8/14)

Moderation and balance when exercised in alignment with higher values and goals = happiness and deep satisfaction. Visited: Dai Pui, village mountain 
Spectacular view mountain top and across the mountain landscape.
I absolutely, totally, completely, fully LOVED IT. 

I love soaking in beautiful landscapes, the relaxing, refreshing, invigorating, rejuvenating, energizing and deeply fulfilling mountain and nature energy. My new vision and open desire for the universe is to enjoy, in a couple of years, weekend trips to our mountain weekend home in order to refresh, reset and enhance our energetic balance. I really enjoy the picturesque scenery. I can easily sit there staring out into nothingness of dotted mountain ranges, noticing the light birds floating, darting about while the wind gently rustles the flowers and trees, the verdant earth floor before me emanating waves of fresh air, relief and recovery. I really allow this incredible future reality to manifest for me and for us, with my future husband, and we will really appreciate it and enjoy the moments together. What a magnificent destiny. :) 

"Thai people are flexible and easy," as per our lovely tour guide, Lah.

Amazing coincidence: I joined a tour group, and the 2 fellow groupers are Colombian!!! What a coincidence :) we later met 1 more Colombian tourist traveling solo. Then they later met yet another Colombia tourist solo!! Incredible coincidence. I take it as a sign that we are in the right place at the right time. Our destiny is right on track :).

God bless xx :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Confessions of dating "Not The One"

Sometimes the changes we seek from others, especially those closest in our lives, are the changes that we actually want to effectuate in ourselves.

Similarly, the criticisms or judgments we make of others are the critiques we impose on ourselves, consciously or unconsciously.

The point? You have all the answers within your very own self. Whilst you can admire and appreciate certain aspects in another it doesn't necessarily mean you need to own, possess or have these qualities through the 'having' of the person. We can appreciate someone without needing to 'own' them.'

As the saying goes, "Be the change you want to see."

Accept the other as they are here and now because this is who they are and who they can/will remain being for the rest of their life. Of course, there is also the possibility for people to change and they do many times, however, it's not a certainty.

Truth is I am very thankful, grateful and fortunate to have a loving partner in my life (back in March 2014). This is what I have always wanted, my heart's deepest desire, and it has come true. Someone special with all the qualities I listed and I am so surprised he fills them all!*Written in March 2014.


I do not yet have a feeling that he is "the one" - if there even is such a thing - however my Inner Being and intuition invites me to be patient, take it easy and take my time enjoying the development of the relationship, and to give it a chance. Love grows over time and not on trees...

There is such a thing as a 'spark' or 'chemistry' and while I don't feel it quite yet, it can develop over time.

Perhaps the value is to have someone with whom I enjoy being, sharing time, whom I can trust and be myself.

Confession/ Living "As-If"
I want to experience and feel the spark when I see my husband; I delight in feeling his soft aggression, and sturdy masculine energy - we are perfect complements to each other.
We are both deeply in love and have a loving, passionate, understanding, supportive and caring relationship with each other. Thank you, dear Universe, for giving me and blessing me with the most wonderful caring partners in the universe for me!!! I am so, so happy and so, so ecstatic and I am with my soul mate, life partner and handsome man of my dreams.

Notes from Positive Audio Book "Beyond Positive Thinking" by Dr. Joseph Anthony

Only you can create what you want.

We are creative being and we always have the capacity to build more!
Creating on the conscious level > Make more choices
Right thinking is based on your personal truth > Never settle into self-satisfaction.
Live in present moment yet also important to grow from where we are.
Trust the power within you - Trust your instinct.

Current Sources of dissatisfaction i.e. motivation:
-          Body/Physique improvement
-          Financial growth
-          Career Achievement – Creating something new, being recognized
-          Learning more, get smarter.

Life is a game.
What game am I playing? I choose to play happiness, abundance and faith.

How can I feel more motivated and excited about my work and daily work???
I’m asking for more motivation, inspiration – PUSH to move myself with positive, healthy reinforcement. I want to be guided and pushed through by my INTERNAL POSITIVE DESIRE! Not fear, tight deadline, stress or external pressure…