Friday, August 31, 2018

Jennifer Tarot Spirit Guide: "YOU'RE STRONGER THAN YOU'RE FEELING; THIN...

A Tarot Reading for Spiritual Guidance and connection to your Higher Self. Intended with Love.


I trust you're doing so very well. It's a lovely and fantastic moment for all of us when you listen to this; this is a happy moment.💞😀

Welcome to this insight.

Herewith your Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Higher Guidance to lead our thinking with optimism, joy, ease and more clarity.

Divine Message at this Point in Time:


1) STRENGTH, 8 (rev)

2) 2 of Wands (rev)

3) Queen of Cups

The Universal Forces and your life are in a constant, ever-flowing convergence an harmonization. Despite today, or this moment in time of your life, feeling like a confusion or lack of clarity in that area of your life - your feelings towards any situation boils down to your core emotions and feelings.

Trusting life, trusting yourself, loving and appreciating yourself sufficiently and releasing the attachment to nay-saying thoughts.

Thoughts come and go, they partner with emotions that also ebb and flow. The key is to detach yourself and see yourself as an element in the ocean of life, perhaps symbolized with the Waves and currents of streams.

Flow with the water and this progressive journey called Life. It is one and the same - Life flows through you and it IS you.

The conditions are continuing to work out for your highest good despite feeling otherwise.

Despite feeling weak or lacking in some area of your life or character, that is not truth. You are Strength personified and in your physical being. You are Stronger than you are crediting yourself.

The 2 of Wands reversed would suggest that our plans are delayed or it feels like "back to the drawing board", the expansive options and opportunities you've been eyeing are not feeling so palpable today for some reason. This is OK and nevertheless, all is well and you're on track.

Finally, the Queen of Cups invites you to *know* and appreciate that this is a time for profound internal shifting and inner work being doing; indeed, it may even be called an internal, spiritual and emotional revolution!

It's times like these when you most need to allow, flow, pray, meditate, breath, walk in nature, and simplify your thinking. Step back and let fear, lack, or negative thoughts go on their merry way because in your life, friend, no- you do not invite them to stay.

Thank you for doing your work, thank you for being who you are and doing what you do.

Thank you!

With love, joy and appreciation,

🔮Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance🔮


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Personal Power: Super Green-Blue Smoothie - Remove Heavy Metals...

Hey friends, here is today's amazing, marvelous ***Super Green Smoothie to remove Heavy Metals (such as lead) from the body (esp. the brain, which impacts neurological functioning). YouTube version here. Enjoy!

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-Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (Source: Medical Medium​, Anthony William)

Thank you! - Jen Personal Power Life Coaching - Wellness​///

In today's Personal Power Wellness segment we are removing Heavy Metals from the brain and body with this:👉 Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (HMDS)👈

Recipe from the Medical Medium, Anthony William.

I love recreating this every week to ensure I'm getting the best ingredients into my body and working with the knowledge and wisdom the Universe brings to me.

What resonates for you?

Follow your inner guidance and intuition 😉. You've got this ✊.


1, Frozen Wild blueberries

2, Dulse wild sea vegetable

3, Hawaiian Spirulina

4, Barley grass juice powder (Vimergy)

5, Cilantro, fresh

Optional: for enhanced flavor add whatever fruit you love e.g. banana or orange juice or mango, etc.

Let's go and get blending!

The moment is always NOW⚡🔥⚡.

Thank you for watching, please click Like and Subscribe to this channel for more Wellness content.

Love & Joy,

Jennifer - Personal Power Life Coaching