Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guide�� JULY 12-13, 2017:  "NEW OPPORTUNITY-DON'T OVERCOM...

Hello Angels!

Thank you for joining me in today's Tarot Card Spiritual Life Guidance 🔮A message of Hope and Peace🌼


​Knight of Pentacles

Page of Swords (r)

10 of Wands (r)

Spirit is guiding to be aware of the new opportunities or possibilities coming your way. You may be tempted or tend to make (big) promises or overcommit but take a breath and break before confirming or promising anything.

Also, if you are wanting to be more organized, structured, methodical in order to achieve any particular goals, OR you have a new project, job offer or schedule that is obliging you to do more with less time to do everything else, then remind yourself now that you want to make reasonable demands of yourself as you don't need to run yourself to the ground.

Consider: where might you be trying to impress or please others?

When we overextend & overpromise it leads to stress and fatigue which ultimately sabotaged the extra  activity, load or whatever you're working with.

If you are feeling particularly ambitious or inspired right now, remind yourself that it's a long-term process and you'll need to carry through for the long haul.

"Rome wasn't built in 1 day." :-)

Hence, give yourself some leeway and break the process down into smaller chunks that are time-bound and achievable with your resources and strengths.

Similarly, be clear and truthful to yourself as to what you're really able to handle and ensure that whatever you are adding into your life will increase your joy, wellbeing and balance - ensure that your actions and future steps reflect and honor your True Self.

There is loads guidance and important details in the VReading :-) ​Enjoy!!

Intended for your empowerment, upliftment and to raise the vibration of millions of people around the world.

💫🔮💫Plus, join us tomorrow, THURSDAY, JULY 13 at 6PM NYC Time for the next LIVE TAROT PSYCHIC HOUR - I will do a general reading and draw cards for you, the Querent. Depending on the volume on line you may receive a 3-card reading which is more in-depth and thorough.🔮


Namaste & Thank You,

Jennifer Tarot​

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