Friday, November 3, 2017

Tarot Spiritual Guidance, Nov. 3-4, 2017: "YOU ARE SUPPORTED; VICTORY; NURTURING YOURSELF"

Now also on YouTube - the latest Tarot Spiritual Life Guidance for Nov. 3-4, 2017 - Kick off the weekend with a message to uplift, empower and provide greater direction.

With great love! :-)

Hello everyone! - Kick off your weekend with positively empowering guidance and direction.

........ Tarot Spiritual Guidance for Nov. 3-4, 2017: "YOU ARE SUPPORTED; VICTORY; NURTURING YOUR RESOURCES."

☆ 3-Card Spread detailed below:

🌴 6 of Wands - Pride, victory, success. You are being celebrated and supported by the community - the community is both physical and metaphysical/spiritual which includes God, The Universe, the Creator, Life and Love; and your Angels and Guides. Support and celebration from those around you.

More importantly, there is an energy of feeling successful and happy, victorious and uplifted from within yourself. That is, You are reaching or have reached a new culmination point in your life (Full Moon on Nov. 3-4 (November 04, 2017 - 01:23 am (EST) coincides).

After your soul searching and going deeper into your motivation, life purpose, relationships, and most important areas of your life, an evolution has indeed happened and it reflects in your altered (enhanced) mindset and perhaps it is simply peace and hope that you are on your path and in your Truth.

🌴 Queen of Pentacles - Bounty and management of material resources; administrative skills and oversight particularly in taking care of your personal and home/domestic affairs. Nurturing, caring for your true wealth and resting in the pleasant, holy space of bounty and peace. Care for your loving, positive relationships as they are important to your overall wellbeing.

🌴 9 of Cups - Nearing the finish or culmination of a project and phase of your ongoing journey. Know that you are in an excellent space of support and comfort and you have already attained and realized terrific achievements in the physical realm, and also in your emotional maturity and spiritual evolution...which reflects in how you lead your physical life.

The overarching theme is that you are moving into a new space of inner peace which is reflected in a spirit of achievement, pride, victory and support from the Universe and from within (your inner strength).

If you have that idea or contemplating a certain direction, it feels right and seize it - go for it. Things make more sense now and you will continue to be led, supported and guided all along the way.

See the light, feel the confidence and FOCUS on the way you'd like things to be, or what you want.

"Wouldn't it be nice if....." - How can you finish this sentence? :-)


With love, light and appreciation,

Jennifer Tarot

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