Saturday, September 15, 2018

Jennifer Tarot, Sept.14-15, '18: "SEIZE LIFE'S OPPORTUNITIES; ONE DOOR C...

Hello dearhearts! Happy Friday and Joyous weekend to all.🌞💙🌠

Here we have today's special 🔮Tarot Spiritual Guidance message for the marvelous weekend: 🔮
Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance - Sept. 14-15, 2018: "SEIZING LIFE'S OPPORTUNITIES; BE IN IT TO WIN IT; STILL, YOU WAIT."

🔮 4 of Cups:
an opportunity comes your way, or there is a beneficent condition/situation/circumstance that arises at this time in life or that is being brought to your attention these days or in the moment to your consciousness that is there however not overtly so, or too obviously - although it certainly can come in the form of an offer or direct invitation to get involved with something or someone, etc.

However, looking away, arms crossed and gaze/attention is seemingly intentionally downwards - cast away from the offering. This offering comes from the heavens, the cloud presents the offer. Are you looking away or can you not really see it?

Are you pretending to not see? Or do you truly feel that there's nothing there for you at the moment to consider as an option?

Note: You do have options and these days the Universe has been sending me messages of OPPORTUNITY and if an opportunity comes your way, why not seize it? It could be actually the fate...the gateway and portal to your divine unfolding even if it doesn't sync up straightaway with how you think things or life should go right now. This is only a snapshot in time and no ever really knows for certain how anything will unfold.

Ultimately, You control your attitude, your mindset, your focus and how you react to all conditions.

🔮Page of Cups (rev):
Unblocking your creativity; feeling called to do something however not sure how it make it unfold and practical in the world.

🔮Page of Swords:
Yet another option emerges in your life - use your thoughts resourcefully, powerfully and align with the new horizons in life. Life is handing you Melons - Make Magical Melon Juice! It is sure to be good and feel good - if you let it.

Love & Light,
Jennifer Tarot Spiritual Guidance

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