Thursday, February 8, 2018

Personal Power: PAPAYA SUNSHINE CLARITY / Do What You Can, Start Where Y...

Hello Friends!

Here's the latest YouTube episode of the Personal Power Life Wellness series on Health and Juicing.

Today we complement the Papaya-Banana-Sunshine Medley with a word on resourcefully facing difficult or overwhelming situations:

∞∞∞ DO WHAT YOU CAN - ∞∞∞

In other words, you do your best and put your best mindset, energy and actions forward and let the Universe do the rest and support you.

Reality miraculously transforms when we embrace the notion that this is a 'friendly Universe' and that the Universe is conspiring on YOUR behalf (as Paolo Coelho so eloquently and unforgettably expressed in his best-selling novel "The Alchemist."

What if the Universe is really at your beck and call and it's just a matter of you connecting with the current and flow 'out there'? This is a Universal Stream of power, wisdom and eternity.

Yes, it is invisible however so many things are non-invisible such as feelings, emotions, ideas, intentions, thoughts. Love is non-physical and so is the emotion labeled "anger" - I am sure we've all felt these emotions at some point and so would agree they are 'real' or exist - yet we cannot see them. Thus, it stands to reason that there are other things in life that are not tangible but which exert strong influences on our life and the direction of our lives.

Thus, let's tap into the current and flow of The Universe - Ask it to show you what is here for you and what/how it can help YOU! :-) Ask for help and guidance; ask for healing, peace and direction. Ask for your inner peace and inner power and believe Good will follow. It can only be so.

Believe and continue! :-)

With great joy and appreciation,


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