Monday, November 18, 2013

Message from the Universe & A New Poem: "Listen & Witness"

So many beautiful blessings abound. :-)

Today the universe has been sending me a specific message via Yogi Tea bags, blogs I've read and a Deepak Chopra meditation (from Oprah & Deepak's 21-day meditation challenge: and click on 'Message of the Day').

We may carry long held ideas that were given to us by others about who we are that influence our perceptions about what we want in life. Today, as we meditate together, give yourself permission to let go as you sink into the meditation. Let your heart and soul speak to you as we travel within to hear our inner song of truth. Breathe deeply and receive. Today is a day filled with transformational opportunity. Today we let our hearts lead the way for all of the answers we seek live within- all we have to do is listen.

The message is: "listen more". Listen to what? I wonder. To what the universe has to say? to what my friends and family are saying, literally? To what the surrounding circumstances, occurrences and actions of others are communicating?
There are countless messages in the multitude of things we see and encounter. It's only a matter of choosing to focus on a particular thing and deliberately interpreting it for meaning or a message. At the end of the day, the messages anyone extracts are subjective and will present lessons that one person may see and value yet not the other.

So my consideration is to heed this advice and, thus, I will be more observant. I will listen to the people, situations and elements around me. Sometimes the answer is right in front of our very own eyes yet we assume we must seek it out through the distance. We just don't see it, or ignore its simple, straightforward and uncomplicated existence.

These days I prefer to think that life should be easy, enjoyable and pleasant, and that things generally work out when we look at the bigger picture and frame within its context. Perhaps I just need to listen to nature and appreciate the fact that we're finally experiencing the Winter season in Dubai. The evenings are cooler, mornings remain gray for longer and also fresh, and there are stronger winds ruffling the leaves of the many Palms that adorn this arid yet spirited city.

Listen & Witness

Tuning into the love I hold for you in my heart
bottomless and endless
Tapping into an infinite affection
I feel in our bond.

The black crows diving gallantly across the expanse,
some near, others far.
The placid, obedient Palm tree leaves,
these magnificent trees rooted firmly 
yet yielding and supple in their perennial national headdress.

Peering through the glass,
I can nearly feel the wind caressing my cheeks,
light sensations of an invisible and priceless ethereal fabric
Which I gleefully anticipate will greet me tonight.

Suddenly the trees are still, 
a bird flutters away to join the sun 
which hides shyly in a cloudy firmament's embrace.
It feels great to be a witness,
All is well. 

Poem by J.Arcila (18/11/13) 

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