Sunday, November 30, 2014

Rampage of Intention for Today - This Journey Begins

Dear God,

Good morning!
Thank you for this magnificent new day.
Thank you for the blessing of this new beginning and fresh start.
Thank you for these past days of learning, alignment and expansion.

My intention for today is to RDV with like-minded people and friends; to be in my joyful alignment, to care about how I feel and to feel good.
It is my intention to be aware, compassionate and fully self-loving.

I have boundless energy, optimism and presence. I am calm, I am centered, I am in control of my internal state.

I allow my subconscious to absorb all the beneficial messages, words, and people that permeate my experience to contribute to my greater good and overall well-being.

I allow my subconscious to notice the patterns of the day's movements that contribute to painting a more beautiful picture of life and my experience.

Always on time, my timing is perfect; pure positive energy surrounds me.
I can't get it wrong...I feel awesome most of the time and it's alright; all is well. I'm doing well and getting "weller".

I am centered and even when I am off alignment it is temporary and I am shortly back in the center, delighting in my life and loving this experience. Things are coming into place and there are even greater opportunities coming my way.

Each day is an experience of attracting and experiencing love, fun,  joy, satisfaction and delight.
I support my development and growth, and I encourage the growth and support of others.

I trust my inner being and follow my intuition; I have a powerful intuition and it is always guiding my steps in a wise and beneficial manner.
Today I have more than enough energy to carry out all the activities that Source inspires in me.
Today I take inspired action and I take deep breaths to calm my system.
Today I will deepen my understanding and skill of NLP in Coaching applications to generate beneficial outcomes for my clients.
Today I take my business development further and I love the feeling of harnessing my power.

Today it is my intention to focus on the strengths of being, appreciate them, to trust I already have all the knowledge, tools, wisdom and skill to advance my NLP Coaching to the highest potential level for today, and tomorrow I will rise even higher, and then higher still the day after, and even higher thereafter.

I intend to live happily ever after; to feel belonging to this community, to accept myself internally and externally. And to allow this self acceptance to permeate every millisecond of the day because each moment becomes brighter and more joyful.

I want to spend all my time with like-minded uplifters, lovers of inspired action, self-improvement, self-awareness, growth, life appreciation, contribution to our community and a love for love.

I acknowledge any limiting beliefs and I know that they are already dissipating because it is a belief  that can be changed forevermore.

An NLP Metaphor for Transformation:
A majestic phoenix rising into the brilliant dancing sunshine, piercing through the heart of darkness to reveal the truth.

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