Monday, June 9, 2014

Overcoming Emotional Lows: Deliberately Choosing My Thoughts

 Emotions & Thoughts - 

The Power of Deliberate Choice

We all have our ups and downs, and today I experienced one of those emotional “lows” while training – thank God it’s an increasingly unusual phenomenon in my reality :-). Somehow I was feeling a rising tide of sad thoughts, loneliness, etc. For some bizarre reason I felt teary, sad, blah and then I thought it must be hormonal. I asked myself, Why??? Where is this coming from???

In fact, there was no basis or foundation for my low emotions – I have every reason in the Universe to be joyful, happy and ecstatic. And I am. Still, today these feelings were just lightly floating onto my reality perhaps seeking to plant themselves. Even if it is hormonal this is NOT how I want to feel. 
With the power of my will and magnificent brain, I stopped and ‘looked” at those thoughts and acknowledged that these unhelpful, unresourceful thoughts are not me – they are simply floating thoughts passing by, and I chose to let them pass away.


I took the initiative to give this interplay of thoughts and feelings a physical manifestation by drawing – in a sense taking control of them, rather than letting them amplify and take control of me.

That’s when I held 2 contradictory thoughts – (1) We are what we think about, and (2) You are NOT your thoughts, thoughts are simply thoughts and don’t necessarily define you.

I concluded that I am the thoughts I CHOOSE and the thoughts I consciously SELECT and entertain as my focus; I am not those thoughts that drop in willy-nilly from time to time who knows from where, and which serve no benefit in my overall reality.

Any situation in life is how we *choose* to interpret it and the meaning we assign to it; things, people, places and experiences only have value because we CHOOSE to view them so.

I choose to use my brain, mental faculties, and I choose to want to always feel great, happy and loved.

In life, some things come and stay; and some things come and go forevermore.
Thoughts are exactly the same.

Every day is a journey and there is always, always, always something to be grateful for. Love is all around us, surrounding you and me. Abundance supersedes all things and permeates every facet of our experience if we consciously put on our “Spectacles of Abundance" :-).

2 Invaluable Blessings: Freedom of Choice and Peace of Mind

Love <3 xoxo

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