Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Why High Expectations are Powerfully Good - Merry Christmas!

Good morning, beautiful world, beautiful life, 

- Beautiful Expectations - 

They say [who is they? ;-)] we should have low expectations to avoid being disappointed when a given situation, person or reality does not match up to our expectations.

However, I personally love having high expectations and to anticipate the best possible. It makes me feel grand, it reminds me of God's greatness, that there is abundance of possibilities and of my self-worth. It reminds me that I deserve the best I can imagine. If I can see it with my mind's eye, I can generate it in this time-space reality. I think Earl Nightingale was the first to state this in "The Strangest Secret." Listening to this text was the catalyst to transform and improve my life into a more magical, creative, powerful and fulfilling life experience [].

High expectations strikes me as striving for excellence, seeking to fulfill the great human potential which is already untapped as it is. It feels like aiming for the stars, being your greatest self and coming closer the fullest expression of God and the Universal greatness for generation and creation.

On this special day of gratitude, joy and love, I've been noticing several manifestations of high vibration. Just when you let go and let God, without controlling the circumstances can you experience the realization of a desired object.

It seems like sometimes, in some cases, the key is to let go, be easy with it and let the course of life take over. We don't have to oversee or manage all the elements, all the time, in all sectors of our life. We can only do our best and for me, I ask for the wisdom and accurate intuition to know when to take action and when to step back and take it easy.

Here is an NLP Exercise for you:

Take a look back on your daily life experience. Begin to take stock of all the moments when you have been pleasantly surprised, when you have received something nice that you weren't expecting, or you were expecting X and it manifested even better than you anticipated.  For instance, you turn the faucet and water gushes out, or you put the key in the car ignition and the car purrs awake, or you turn the stove on and soon enough you're cooking up a meal. Countless things in our daily life that easily work; without thinking much or at all, you expected something (through habit) and received it immediately.  We just forget this happens.

The power of this exercise lies in amplying this expectation to other moments when you expected something - perhaps a successful meeting, a party you would enjoy, or a meal with friends you'd delight in, or a trip home to see your family - these are on a larger scale and there is also a positive expectation it would/will happen.

Take it one step further and extend the expectation, possibly to reaping more financial abundance,  love-filled relationships and friendships, better feelings more of the time.

Put all these moments, memories and future visualizations into a glass container.
The container started out small and as you raised the level of experiences and expectations the container perforce expanded, grew taller, wider and more robust. 

Notice how this magically robust container is now overflowing, its contents diverse and widespread, touching on all 5 senses and the spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, professional, romantic, relational, educational, etc.

This is your container. Notice how all these expectations have built on each other and are synergistic, swirling in this amazing, sturdy and ever expanding vessel. A veritable forcefield.

Consider how all these expectations are REAL and authentic; they have really happened. Don't they remind you that you have always received more than you expected?
And doesn't it indicate it will continue to be so? You have not conscientiously applied yourself to create these moments and yet they have always been the case. Let your subconscious appreciate this.

There is more momentum in this growing vessel; a life of its own, guided by universal forces and energy.

It must be so.

Keep adding to your vessel, notice what is happening right now in your life - everything that's going right - that is part of your mega container.

Augment the expectations and they, too, will join this attractive and powerful forcefield.

Consider how your life would be different moving forward if you continue to raise your expectations, knowing that you do indeed get what you expect?

Sky's the limit.

Happy Holidays!!! Peace & Blessings xx
i love you all <3
God bless xoxo

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