Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Start 2014 - Sickness & Rebirth

Today is a brand new day…Wherever you are in the world, it was a new day or soon it is becoming a new day. A new birth, a fresh start, a reset to living this day in life.

Below are thoughts from a chat regarding the fact that I am home sick today recovering fully from a cold/flu. Winter season in Dubai also impacts the city's citizens, despite the overall pleasant and wonderful weather in the "Winter" months.
 Seasonal changes are felt by our bodies, apparently, no matter where we may be. 

Today is Thursday Jan. 9th 2014 - the first full week of the new year and I am home on sick leave as I visited the ER Last night. Visited City Hospital in Healthcare city and finished up at 1AM. Main issue was the worsening dry cough which I could no longer tolerate, esp since I live alone and having no one around for moral support seems to aggravate symptoms.
Being in the ER I became more aware and realized that there are so many maladies in life that affect us all. Some people have far worse situations than you or me. I am so grateful for the slight unwellness I have since it is curable and ordinary in the bigger scheme of things.

There are more things to appreciate from this experience:

Dear God, Dear Universe,
- Thank you because I live in a city with easy access to clean, hygienic and professional healthcare
- Thank you for my Health Insurance which is provided by my company and which allows me to pay a really minimal fee for several expensive treatments (Xray, MRI, blood tests, MD consultation, ER Visit, etc)
- Thank you for my car which reliably and comfortably allowed me to drive a long distance to see a medical professional to treat a bodily ailment at the moment I desired to do so.
- Thank you for the medicine that is easily available in the pharmacy which helps in the recovery process
- Thank you for the medicine which really makes a huge difference and helps to recover and sleep deeply
- Thank you because this experience of being alone in sickness shows me my true inner strength; I care about myself, I care about how I feel, I want to feel good, and I know the universe is helping me in meeting with the medical professionals who care about helping me get better. 
- Thank you for this day of rest and the fact that I am able to rest when it is necessary and helpful
- Thank you for the kind and thoughtful friends who express concern for my wellbeing.
- Thank you bc I have many modalities at my disposal to feel better, strengthen my immune system and become stronger.

Further thoughts stemming from the whole thing:

I am feeling better I think bc I have peace of mind from having seen the doctor. Once I got home I no longer had the pesky, nagging dry cough and rather felt more relaxed. The doc prescribed the same antibiotic (Amoxycillin) that I had already started taking the night prior - so my self-prescription was accurate and luckily I have a box of unfinished Amoxyl from some previous moment.

When we r alone w/o anyone at home i.e. family, it sometimes makes health conditions a bit aggravated, perhaps bc of psychological aspect of being sick and vulnerable, and thus you may exhibit symptoms bit more strongly. The reason I say it is bc the whole day I was at work I didn't cough or feel major discomfort. HOwever, as soon as I set foot in my apt and was having my dinner I started coughing up - grrrrrr. That's why I went to the hospital - I wanted help and immediate relief from people instead of the small bottles of cough suppressants and expectorants which seemed to have diminished in effectiveness.

Anyhow, I went to ER (first in Ibn Battuta and then Healthcare City) and he said it seems like the cold/flu that is affecting many people right now
Perhaps people in UAE climate, we are no longer used to being strongly immune to weather changes. So any slight coldness is more of a 'hit' to the system.

Plus, I think I was training too much, 2hr+ per day during vacation and then continued when work resumed, waking up at 5:30am to train thinking that by ignoring my symptoms I would push it away into oblivion. 

This strategy of ignoring does not seem to have worked. 

So now I have forced rest, which is fine too and probably necessary.
I've noticed that during periods when I have been intense with my training it eventually culminates in a brief span where I get some cold which obliges me to rest and recover for 2-3 days, perhaps 1 week. It tends to help I suppose to reset the body, muscles, and to come back stronger than ever.

Ironically, sometimes it's harder to be calm and still, as opposed to just going at it (training, etc) intensely, pushing hard and beating yourself up. That's what gym/fitness obsession can do to you!

Well, today is a whole day of wellness and I will visit the sauna and my friends at the gym in hopes of further boosting my immune and nervous system. Sauna is considered to have curative properties, and perhaps I will RDV with like-minded friends at the gym, which is always pleasant, enjoyable and welcome to me.

There is always something positive to be gleaned from any situation, regardless of the circumstances. I am still eternally thankful for the blessings that life shares with me. I hope to continue growing, expanding and enriching this positive mindset and to eternally develop my strength and to deepen the relationship with my Inner Being.  

Be your own best friend, and the rest will follow, line up, and align.

Jen <3 <3 <3 

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