Thursday, February 20, 2014

An intense day…Thank God it's the Weekend

Lo-Carb day, I'm feeling more successful about sticking  to lower carbs today, and I think I will hit my Protein targets. It's been tough today and draining overall because I've been attending a Committee meeting and thus constantly "ON". I woke at 5am, hit gym at 6am, workout 6:15-7:15am and jetted to work to reach by 8:30am. Thank goodness all days are full of variety - keeps things interesting and the contrast really highlights to me what I like and what I don't like. I really love my freedom, space, movement, being free during the day and breathing fresh air.

All the while I realize this is called 'work' for good reason. Not each day is necessarily a walk in the park. In any case, I am really lucky I can have a job, be around successful people, and that I am playing a part in this more expansive scenery or movie of life.

I have been accompanied all day and thus my prayers to not feel alone have indeed been answered.

I am just wanting relief, a break - respite.

Again, I am learning more what is wanted and unwanted.

I'm also thankful I have such wonderful friends who were able to be with me during lunch and with whom I was able to freely vent my tension and frustration.

It's been a good week, and this is like the climax, crescendo and peak of it - fitting ending.

Thank goodness it's the weekend. I have several great things to anticipate and mainly it's a matter of keeping on going and just being in the moment at each turn. Constantly I am reminded that I seek to feel good, I want to feel good.
Today I reached on time, safely, I ate nutritious food, spent time with friends, worked out my triceps, and I slept well last night, I can look forward to an evening of ease.

I choose to believe that it's working out for the best; perfect timing. I am in the right place at the right time. Reminding myself of this helps a little. I can only control my attitude and reaction to the circumstances when I cannot control the situation itself.

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