Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dream Analysis: Purple Mustang Charger comes crashing down

It's finally Thursday and I am really looking forward to a nice two days of personal, flexible, enjoyable time.

Last night I had a really curious and odd dream.
I was in a car with two other people, unsure of their identity. We were on the ground level and looking up at a hill with jagged cliffs and ledges. There was a purple Mustang Charger making its way up the jagged ledges (impossible in real life however it's a dream). It was charging up the jagged mountain however pulling behind it with a metal chain a Black Grand Piano. It is was slinking its way up the mountain, miraculously.
In my head, seated in the car as a spectator I thought, "We should probably move out of here in case it comes crashing down," and "it's probably going to start crashing down soon...Why are we will here so calmly?"

Eventually, when the car had seemed to almost reach the peek the piano sort of started to get all crazy and started to bounce around like a wild animal. Bizarre. Of course the weight and force of the piano pulled the car back and the car ledge by ledge started to crash from side to side, coming down and down. I could feel the impending brute force coming on us to crush us however I still was curious, thinking - "Perhaps it won't hit us...perhaps we'll be fine even if it does crash on us."

Then the inevitable happened - the car reached us. It had gained momentum and with such force finally crashed and crushed us. At this point my dream vision went black, there was a brief moment of darkness where I thought, "Is this all?"

I then woke up and turned to the other side of the bed...went back to sleep as best I could.

I just checked on the meaning of different symbols and this is what I found for the main 3 symbols:


* Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, justice, wealth and dignity.
* Indigo is the colour of heightened spirituality and Divine guidance and protection.
* The color purple is the color of the imagination and spirituality
* Meaning: Nobility of purpose, spiritual leadership, spiritual teaching, regal, power, authority in spiritual matters


 "The car is a classic symbol of motivation, and reflects whether or not you are feeling autonomous as you move forward in life. If you are driving and the vehicle is out of control, you may be questioning the choices you are making. If you are riding as a passenger, you may not recognize how you are not taking the reins of responsibility for where you are going. You have given power over to the person driving the vehicle and may be needlessly blaming them for failing. If it is a parent driving you, there may be unconscious attitudes or criticisms you have adopted that are holding you back or diminishing your self-esteem.
Vehicle dreams suggest how you feel about your forward movement. If the car is parked, you may have put your sense of direction on hold while you explore new opportunity. The type of vehicle, it's condition, and whether or not you are driving, in control or being driven, will portray your present sense of autonomy."

The Car in my dream was a beautiful new Mustang Charger in bright, smooth vibrant purple.


"To dream of seeing a piano, denotes some joyful occasion" OR "To find your piano broken and out of tune, portends dissatisfaction with your own accomplishments and disappointment in the failure of your friends or children to win honors."

So what does it mean when a Purple/Indigo Mustang Charger is chugging up a jagged mountain pulling a grand black piano by a chain?

And who/where am I? In my dream I felt I was both the observer  yet I was observing myself.
Perhaps it is my alter ego - observing my spirituality and motivated self attempting to balance and pull behind it/with it some harmony, balance and beauty? However it was an unweildy process.

The chain seemed too precarious and weak; the mountain too jagged, steep and inconvenient; the piano too weighty, dense and burdensome for the struggling car.
It is similar to when you try to get a car deeply stuck in the sand. The wheels keep spinning but it's to no avail.

I was struck by the fact that I was simply sitting there observing the development of the scene while perceiving the imminent danger of the car crashing onto us. Thing is, I've had these types of dreams before and whereas in the past I would experience agony and wake up in fright, this time I took it all very calmly and rationally. Perhaps it's a sign I am learning to take things easy.

Anyhow, it is probably linked to my recent uncertainty about changing some things in my life. This murkiness and uncertainty doesn't feel good - it feels uncomfortable. I like the familiar but at the same time the same things get repetitive and boring. I like changing things and variety, always eager to keep myself stimulated in some way.

I acknowledge that my inner vibration is not keeping pace with the apparent changes that the universe is presenting me. There's no need to be afraid, right?
It all boils down to our attitude and mindset, and how you choose to approach any given issue.

I may be hesitant to take on new challenges and do more activities however it may be better than I imagine once I get started. Perhaps I will really enjoy; I might discover and express different facets of myself that have been laying dormant. I might meet some new individuals who will be beneficial to my further insights, and I can also contribute to their well-being and journey.

My internal vibration just needs to get up to speed with those changes because my rational mind understands that they are GOOD for me...for my mind, my development, my greater good, my better self, to be MORE OF MY GREAT SELF, to be the deeper, truer, more amazing me that I am.

That being said...
I already feel fine and content with myself and my life and thus I do not feel driven to act from a sense of lack, low self-esteem or self-insufficiency.
It would seem like I am thinking of taking on the world but not so...I am simply contemplating:

- Volunteering weekly on Fridays for 2.5 hours.
- Possibly taking a training that will take up the whole weekend and part of Thursday afternoon
- Volunteering
- Taking an online Masters in Education, Teacher course
- Taking a part-time Masters in Ed course in would take 2+ yrs but it can be done.
- Going on Himalayan yoga spiritual retreat in April

For some reason, though, it all just doesn't feel right. The effort, struggle, attempts...ugh. I repels me. I want to take it easy, I want to enjoy, I want to be FREE. I want to enjoy my free time easily and conveniently. I don't want such heavy commitments.

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